
There are "change" elections and there are "please don't fuck my life up" elections and I think 2024 is definitely in the latter category and if Biden really isn't getting hurt by the bad debate performance, that's why.
my pitch to undecided voters: extremely old and weary Joe Brandon seeing the promised land (country where you don't have to hear about Donald Trump every day) even though he won't live long enough to get there himself:
Boooo! Moses is old! F that guy!
I know it’s late, but we should just build a new god out of our gold. Young voters want gold. This is a new idea.
Trump being deranged all the time will turn off more voters who aren't very ideological. They liked Bush because he would go quiet. These people just want to watch football, BBQ, watch some tv with everything being ok. If I was the dems I would hammer on stability and tabloid crap daily w/ Trump
Yeah! If Moses hadn’t been so old, we’d have 15 Commandments!