
Hate being the debbie downer "I told you so" from 2016, but that's what a history degree gets you.
I told somebody back in 2016 it would be about 30 years before we unfucked this fever, because that's about the historical length of time that fascist fever runs. Sorry! This knowledge is a curse!
I was a liiiiitle surprised this one hit now, only because it means the sitting prez can do what he wants, but they know dems won't call that bluff. Anyhoo! BACK TO THE WORD MINES OVER HERE
One could argue it began in September of 2001 and is cresting now, but that still leaves us another 6 or 7 years. 🤔
At that point the thing with Bush was gonna be Ashcroft and cracking down on porn and other culture issue bullshit. We were riding high on Clinton era economic gains and one of the tech bubbles, and Bush promised everyone $300. It wasn’t till 9/11 that we started getting USA PATRIOT bullshit.
9/11 was allowed to happen. Then they evacuated the culprits and attacked a random country (or 2).
Oh god I didn’t realize there were still 9/11 truthers out here I thought you’d all moved on to COVID denialism or flat earth bullshit.
before we moved to the US (back, for me; first time for my husband) in 2012, i told my husband we needed to be prepared for this to all go to shit. that the democracy was getting too old and the writing was on the wall. idk… it wasn't a secret…
This was all baked in from at least then, if not longer!
Yeah. I lost my mind for three months after that election. I knew what was coming.
I hate that I'm researching places to which my wife and I can flee, but that's fascism for you.
After this 'election', Canada has to take as many refugees as can help us maintain our sovereignty against the Black Hole of America.