
Not over. As someone alive before Chevron precedent, before legal abortion, before many things being flipped back in time existed, I can say you can fight this war&win it. Again. &this time, people have sunk costs&reaped benefits where before it was theoretical. They will feel&resent the loss.
The war is over. The bad guys won.
The immediate retreat to doomerism is not a good look and we need to push back against those impulses at all costs.
It's not doomerism, it's reality, and you pretending it's not is actually part of the problem. When half the population refuses to accept what is happening is even happening, how do you expect it to get fixed, genius? What's there to fix if everything is fine?
They will feel it in reality bc they have been living with the benefits on several fronts&will feel the pain of their loss. No one is pretending anything here.
I hope this is true but I wonder with journalism under fire and our shared collective reality eroded will people actually place the blame for dismantled regulatory oversight where it belongs once the support pillars start to crumble
I understand & sympathize with this, and it hurts me to see people naively, or knowingly-and-maliciously, misrepresenting times I lived through. But a "shared collective reality" has never existed in the USA. The appearance of one is a product of institutional power (which is a different discussion)
yes, U.S. delusion and misinformation is nothing new, but journalism and academia are against the ropes, supplanted by a 24/7 bombardment of automated engagement chasing gibberish and propaganda at unprecedented scale in human history