
While all the big brains on here spend their days arguing over Biden stepping down
people don't realize the america they thought they lived in fucking died last week. it's gone. we live in a different country now.
when people realize what's happened there's gonna be a lot of "why didn't anybody tell me!" stuff
Fuck them if that's where they go with it
Terry McCauliffe after Unite the Right, “No one could have known,” after thousands of pages of Discord logs were being published, for months, showing fascists planning for violence and improvised weapons.
Haha yeah. And then everyone got distracted by nonsense about "civility" for like a year. I don't know why I keep trying
It was so bizarre to watch them openly planning Jan 6th and no one saying or doing anything. I woke up that morning and told my wife I was going to take the dogs up to the snow because "they are going to attack Congress." It's genuinely maddening to watch all this play out
The degree to which I questioned my own sanity from roughly 2016 to 2020 because of the multitude of people basically living in the “This is fine” meme was bad for my health, and I won’t make that mistake again.
Yeah, it's been very weird. But I'd say the same thing about 2020 to now.
It was so brazen and upfront, ANTIFA comms were flooded with, "the chuds plan on violence at the capital, stay the fuck away" for like, weeks ahead of time
"the problem is that we're all so polarized and divisive now" - white liberals who seem to think that there's a "neutral" position on bigotry and violent racism
On this website I argued the whole day with people that took offense that I would deign to debase the character or the intelligence klansmen that are putting literature in our neighborhood. People are just not living in reality