
people are absolutely going to die and yet the ruling enjoyed all of like 30 hours or so as a journalistic priority
Hell, I think that's generous by a factor of 10.
And half the articles about it kind of treated it like an irrelevant tangential and not all that interesting dispute about bureaucratic minutae
It's just a drop of fascism spewed from the firehose today that's what MAGAts and nazis are doing globally - acting fast to administrate and institutionalize their hate from local school boards to the Supreme Court when they talk about the 'deep state' they are telling you their plan of action
They know climate change destabilization caused by many of the same corporatists is going to drive scared people toward authoritarian "solutions"
The climate denialism is also organized and on purpose, Russia loves oil and global chaos Still shocks a little that cities were shut down, trade routes blocked by 'trucker convoys' to express anger at masks + vacs but no one takes to the town square for decency in government and democracy
Covid denial to climate denial: How conspiracists are shifting Anti-lockdown movements online are turning their attention to climate conspiracy theories.
They’ve gutted their staff of anyone with the expertise needed to explain it, leaving us with pundits and commentators who only know how to cover politics as celebrity gossip and sports
yep that's a feature (of a consolidated, billionaire owned press), not a bug distraction and horse race bullshit
While all the big brains on here spend their days arguing over Biden stepping down
why not throw the entire democratic party into disarray, broadcasting instability four months out from an election because the NYT extraction class is suddenly obsessed with the fact that just ONE of the two old men running for president are old??
Either one will be the oldest president ever inaugurated too. It's not like the Republican is 40.
pick the one that isn't a full blown fascist, and work to dismantle the gerontocracy before 2028 I feel like the options here aren't all that complicated
Has the Democratic Party explained the plan for changing direction of things? What progress was made during Biden's first term?
Karl is playing this years version of what they do every election. It's the "Now is not the time" game. Democrats have no plans other than to continue to serve corporate america, wall street, and Israel, while doing nothing for the people of this country as the situation continues to deteriorate.
It's so straightforward. And the Democratic Bench right now far outshines the 2028 GOP bench. We're voting for an admin that supports democracy. If something happens to Biden, we literally have a constitutionally appointed backup.It's so simple.
I mean people also won’t vote for genocide Joe because of the whole little you know genocide thing too and a dozen other horrible things so he is a liability and a gift to trump
people don't realize the america they thought they lived in fucking died last week. it's gone. we live in a different country now.
when people realize what's happened there's gonna be a lot of "why didn't anybody tell me!" stuff
Fuck them if that's where they go with it
Terry McCauliffe after Unite the Right, “No one could have known,” after thousands of pages of Discord logs were being published, for months, showing fascists planning for violence and improvised weapons.
Haha yeah. And then everyone got distracted by nonsense about "civility" for like a year. I don't know why I keep trying
Well, for possibly unwanted context, Germans who lived next door to fucking Dachau for 12 years were still convinced it was a social program remedial work camp until the Allies loaded them on trucks and took them inside for a tour.
That's overly generous about their brain power.
They're going to make federal agencies so powerless that there will be a real argument about whether it makes any sense to give them any money whatsoever
And already feckless and risk avoidant agencies will be less and less inclined to try any sort of reforms it's clearly terrible at incredible scale yet I see more than a few people claiming the harms are hyperbolic and overstated
Yeah I honestly think this decision is probably worse in a lot of ways than Trump v. United States but it's worse than a more complicated and subtle way so
The just-announced rules about heat will be blocked PDQ.
They'll be relying on Dems not getting it together to oppose it and they'd be right.
I don't even remember seeing a single bit of Dem messaging, it was mostly up to marginalized and underfunded progressive consumer advocates to warn people, and they were mostly treated as hyperbolic
Well, there was the King Donald case before Corner Post even settled.
Funny thing in a sad way: About one new paragraph in the APA would fix this all right up--including MQD.
But Biden old, part 28585820 -NYT
Back to the 1920s but without anything fun! Least I can reenact being a gangster and get a bullet smashed into my brain
🤬I’m getting dangerously close to saying things about the six GOP justices that could get me in some legal trouble