
In a 6-3 decision, the Supreme Court says you should be killed faster.
NEW: The Supreme Court STRIKES DOWN the federal ban on bump stocks, holding that it is not authorized by existing statute. A 6–3 decision with all three liberals in dissent.
No reasoning, just “nope, not a machinegun.”
Exciting to watch the Supreme Court Wikipedia their way through gun mechanics.
one of my incremental abolitionist realizations is that "define an 'assault rifle'" is always going to be a losing ground for firearm restriction arguments, bc the most avid experts in the subject are all in the gun trade
Links sent to Clarence from the NRA with some plane tickets attached
ah well at least they demolished parkland, no one will get killed in THAT school again!
Now they just need to prevent school shootings by demolishing all the schools.
and the libraries just in case. maybe replace them all with shooting ranges.
when they had the Formula 1 race in Las Vegas they could not call the paddock the paddock because that was also the last name of the guy who shot hundreds of people from a hotel window with his bump stock-equpiied guns, so maybe they should just rename the entire F1 Las Vegas race 'Bumpstock'
the main problem is is there are too many people wandering around without openly brandished guns in their hand ready to fire--if we just made it mandatory for every single person, child or adult, to have to carry in one hand at least a firearm at all times, then we would finally all be safe
It's like fixing locker crime by getting rid of all the lockers.
The 2nd Amendment clearly intended for Americans to have the freedom to shoot hundreds of concertgoers out of a Mandalay Bay hotel window.
It’s your RIGHT to be killed faster. God bless America and our ability to help you meet god just that much quicker.
"We hold that it does not" turn it into a machine gun--the "well, actually" opinion.
Upsidedown world. You can own an unlimited number and value of guns, guns are untouchable. If you sell those guns for cash, they can and will steal your cach in a heartbeat
Look - if the 1% is gonna rid itself of the rest of us, they want to be efficient about it - right? I hope they have a plan in place to dispose of all our bodies, before we start to stink up the place...
ugh went to google the 'die quickly' like that this reminded me of then remembered it was alan grayson ew