
Right, this. It’s basically ultra-scrutiny for any age-related misstep up to the election, at which point Trump either wins or begins leading judicial/armed protest against what would probably be a squeaker for Biden
I think Biden and his team need to start asking themselves what four months of every single public appearance being treated as a competency test is going to feel like, and how that ends. Because I don't see it stopping--there's no magic moment on the horizon that simply puts the whole thing to rest.
"It’s basically ultra-scrutiny for any age-related misstep up to the election," for both candidates?
It should be — but I think the trouble is that Trump’s base is 100% for Trump regardless (and it’s sort of the least of his negatives given his record of criminality), while Biden’s base is terrified of Trump winning and would accept a sub if it keeps the coalition together
I have read about "undecided voters." If they are real, and not mythical, I wonder whether, in places where the vote is close. they might be influenced to decide for the Democrat.
I’m a bigger believer in “meh” voters — the kind of voters who have the potential to get excited about someone cool but also just not vote
hadn't heard of that girl/guy. sounds like Joe needs to tool around in his Corvette?