
I think Biden and his team need to start asking themselves what four months of every single public appearance being treated as a competency test is going to feel like, and how that ends. Because I don't see it stopping--there's no magic moment on the horizon that simply puts the whole thing to rest.
"If the media would just stop--" The media will not stop. Nor will his opponents, nor will the doubts of the 72% of voters who express them in polls, nor will the aging process. Some of it is unfair, some is not, but it's all real. And anyone who supported him in 2020 knew this crisis might come.
An objection grounded in "The media will not stop" carries an implicit "but they'll stop if the Dems switch." But they won't. They'll just pivot to "Dems in disarray! Harris is a corrupt cop!" There will be a similar tidal wave of BS with the added weight of having abandoned the incumbency benefit.
The incumbency benefit isn't looking like much of a benefit! And yes, of course Harris would come under scrutiny and attack, but one difference is that the course of attack won't be about a deficiency that a huge majority of voters already say they're deeply worried about.
Here is the thing though (and don’t disagree with you)… already Times/Post etc are pushing story that Harris covered up the health issues which is a problem for her, and then if it’s someone else you are going to get non-stop voters never voted for this person stories.
It has to be Harris. There’s no other real option if they’re going to sub.
The Republicans have already promised using every tactic possible to prevent the Democrats from even fielding a candidate if Biden drops out. I think we should believe them and assume SCOTUS will back them.
Hillary had a cold and the media treated it like she was on death’s door. The same thing awaits Harris if Joe drops out. Maybe it’s the media that needs to be asking themselves what the problem is.
All that coverage of Hillary being sick was truly unhinged.
*sigh* You know what - that's an argument, but I wish there was a little less naivete among the Dump Biden crowd that the magic unicorn they're pining for doesn't exist. It sucks Dems never get a break, but self-harming acting out (IMO & YMMV) won't help.
Hell, ask any black female progressive exactly what kind of racist and misogynist double whammy the Vice President can expect the nano-second she gets top billing. Gavin Newson? Yeah, I'm sure his ex-wife won't make that one weird and creepy. Shall I go through the whole wish list?
Oh I think they already know what it feels like and that it sucks. Some people would use that as a reason to quit. It sure looks like the president is going to use it to run a campaign against the Haters. "They tried to make us quit!" Absolutely could work. (It better!)
"We're NOT gonna quit! We're not gonna quit until [list of inspiring second term goals, etc]. We're not gonna quit, folks." This stuff will write itself. People love a Happy Warrior Beats the Odds tale.
As if any amount of vigorous action will magically delete all the derogatory TikToks amusing the un- and under-informed voters we need to win. Gaza wounded the President; the debates killed him; social media vids are shoveling dirt on his casket. Plus, Dems need a rebirth. Out with the old!
Take that up with the next Congress but make sure Trump loses first. Once he’s safely in the rear view mirror demand Congress institute a mandatory retirement age ( say 65) for all 3 branches of government. By this time next year Biden could be naming 4 new SCOTUS justices including a new Chief.
A successful prime time news conference would dispel this, and his people know it, and we know they know it.
Biden just demolished Stephanopoulos in the ABC news interview. So there's that...
Demolished in a good way or demolished in a bad way?
As in "made him appear the fool."
I agree. And this: “I’m not letting one 90-minute debate wipe out three and a half years of work,” is dumb. No one can take away his first term. He’ll go down in history as a successful president in a very difficult pol. environ. That doesn’t mean he gets to skip go and collect a 2nd term.
It’s not going to stop for any Dem. Period. The idea that some other candidate will be given a fair shot by the media is nuts. The Dems’ total failure to deal with the debate aftermath ensured a four month shitshow.