
Yes but there are other things you’d want the president to be able to do before noon and after four! And again there is a perception problem which is based on a thing that turns out to be realer than people including myself were convinced to give full credence to.
It doesn't take much to wake someone up to push a button
The thing is a prime time debate with the entire American Experiment on the line — a debate Biden’s people WERE BEGGING FOR — is in theory supposed to be the time he is at his absolute best. Which raises the very legitimate question of what he is like on a truly bad day.
I am not convinced he's mentally unfit I think a lot of Democrats have weak bladders which is a bad thing in a fight for democracy; we have to fight for this thru thick and thin, not complain and jump shit at the slightest provocation
It also shows that they were confidant that it would be good. The White House thought he could deliver. Why?
Down 15 points in NFL a lot of oldheads argue "kick the PAT, stay in it!". The real idea is to immediately go for 2, so you know right away if you have to press for 2 scores or only one. Use the info you were given. Change your strategy given the new facts on the ground.
or raises a question on how good the Dunn's advice is he got better as the debate went on idk what to tell you; the other guy got thru and he's a fucking basket case, so I guess nobody had given any practical reasons to be upset did he suggest injecting bleach?
I mean the press has panics over anything Fox tells them true or not, so I just don't take press freakouts very seriously; I'm old enough to not only remember the evil caravan for the killer bees if there were something that happened in his OFFICIAL DUTIES I would be more attentive
If you think I’m arguing that Trump is better and/or more competent a leader you are misreading me
Reagan won a second term with alzheimers because Republicans knew that it didn't actually matter, control of the office does. There's zero polls that show a statistically significant slippage. Don't throw out the old ass baby with the bathwater
well if Trump is incompetent and made it thru 4 yrs and only killed an extra million or two Americans and the US is still cool with him, I guess I don't know what the scary thing about Biden is. They have to get Trump up at 3am too & he flung plates of ketchup!
The scary thing is that millions of Americans who were ready to reluctantly vote for Biden before the debate are now more likely to sit it out or vote for Trump because Joe said he had almost beaten Medicaid
based on what? pundit vibes? lot of people were not going to vote for Joe after afghanistan lol people need to go thru life w/o relying on the crutch of polling whose error bars haven't changed as they went from >50% response rates to <1% it's scary but I get no sense Ross Douhat/Ezra knows shit
I try not to litigate if Biden is fit or not—we don't know, and hell, with Trump on the other side of the race, does it matter? But that debate also revealed that his handlers, the people supposed to take up the slack if the president needs a nap, also don't know what they are doing. Scary.
This might be a crazy thing to ask/suggest, but is it possible Biden’s team did in fact give him something intended to make him more alert/sharp/aggressive (as the Trumpies had claimed they would), and it had the opposite effect (as these drugs sometimes do)? Because this is all just so weird.
I mean, how does Biden have his *worst* day at his highest-stakes event yet?
IDGAF if his brain is in colostomy bag and he’s a really just a marionette operated by communist lizard aliens. He’s still better than the fascist narcissist who wants to play Hunger Games.
I remember when someone leaked that for the Sulemani assassination that they presented Trump with three retaliation options calibrated to get him to pick the middle one, but then he picked the biggest one. That was when I first realized... oh yeah, of course the natsec ghouls were managing Obama
the whole time by giving him stuff calibrated to produce the result they wanted. And I'm sure they are doing that with Biden too. But like... that's bad! We should actually want the president to be seriously considering things and make choices! If he is woken up to "push the button" that just
that he isn't making choices, and he's just a rubber stamp for the real decision makers. That sounds like a great reason for him to resign! Obviously the problem of natsec people giving calibrated options and info isn't solved, but that's a hard problem we can start working on after we replace the
presidential rubber stamp with a person who's actually thinking at all hours of the day.
I guess I'm just at a loss if people think this is *entirely* a media ratfucking campaign (even if I think it's at least partly that) when a lot of people who *know Joe Biden personally* were also shocked and expressing their concerns.
Counterpoint, it's a VORP calculation, and:
Everything somebody starts worrying about Joe Biden's ability to do the job, I want to print out all 1,400+ President's Daily Schedules from the Trump Administration and hit them over the head with it.
realer based on what exactly? one TV appearance and a lot of pundit griping?