
This is kinda what I mean when I say nuclear power gets a lot of boosters purely by being cool even when that coolness isn't particularly useful Like,,, who cares about energy density for grid scale power generation? Energy density matters for portable power sources
Average nuclear boosters on twitter
Needing to refuel only once a year rather than having to truck in loads of coal or run a gas pipeline is helpful though
Particularly when that fuel does not involve burning carbon!
Now do energy generation per dollar to build the plant
With rationale regulations or currently existing, and with or without subsidies?
Corrected with the lifetime and twh production during lifetime. Are we doing a silly compare apples and oranges. Or do we want to get to netzero sensibly on multiple fronts.
Do you atleast acknowledge that energy density is a factor for more then mobile sources.
The thing that makes it actually useful (base load generation) isn’t particularly cool or sexy
And it decreases investment cost over decades for netzero, also not a hot take. Its very good and very boring.
I think nuclear is cool because we could be running a mostly carbon free grid like France. The technology existed even before wind and solar, it just wasn't used
The technology was killed largely by cheaper coal and is now being outcompeted by cheaper renewables. It's very expensive
That may be true going forward with wind/solar/long duration batteries but France gets about 70% of its power from nuclear energy, they made it work
I agree nuclear would have been better 30-70 years ago and also don't think that relitigating decades old battles is useful for energy policy
Yes but small nuclear reactors may be more likely to pan out than hydrogen for a carbon free dispatchable resource They may turn out to be impractical but there is some uncertainty with any of the sources to fill out the last 20 to 30% of electrical capacity
Mostly by pr and misunderstanding and huge profits of fossil companies ofc.
Energy density is crucial to the footprint needed on materials mostly, the ground and how sustainable. Look at this graph. And the next.