Kavi πŸš±πŸŒ‰

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Kavi πŸš±πŸŒ‰


PhD student posting about politics while I wait for experiments to run.

endorsements != endorsements. min flow is max cut


Developer and operator of urbanstats.org
My favorite hobby was deploying my untested kernel driver patch code to a billion computers. But now it's ruined, because of woke
Retrostat Week 34 4/5 🟩🟩πŸŸ₯🟩🟩 juxtastat.org#mode=retro
Urban Statsjuxtastat.org
wait until you see it with labels... thrilling!
Wow wow wow 6 of the most important numbers in one formula!!!
Weirdly everyone on Twitter knew what I meant, uh, I'm talking about stuff where people are like "if your partner won't show you their phone, they're cheating". On my feed it's usually women saying this about men but I'm pretty sure that's sampling bias
Weirdly everyone on Twitter knew what I meant, uh, I'm talking about stuff where people are like "if your partner won't show you their phone, they're cheating". On my feed it's usually women saying this about men but I'm pretty sure that's sampling bias
Ok legitimate question: why is everyone online extremely paranoid about their partner cheating to the point of panopticon on them?? This isn't a thing anyone I know worries about or does irl
Weirdly common opinion I see is that math would be much easier if instead of being written in a formal symbolic language it was written as walls of text
Feels adjacent to jargon discourse, I think a lot of people think the inaccessibility of intellectual fields is extremely shallow and can be resolved by removing the need to look up definitions rather than being a result of complexity you have to learn
Was talking about this on twitter too, I'm from LA and I don't think I cared that much but I also didn't live in Hollywood, and I know the folks there hate it
Wait is it not true in every major city that locals hate tourists? Like major city economies are not tourism dependent (except like Las Vegas type places) so people see tourists as annoying obstructions. This is universal, right?
Yeah there's an open issue to this effect, I think the issue is the overlap region goes down to the bottom of the universe lol
🚨 Urban Stats 16.0.0 🚨 I've added the population circle feature, now you can compare circles of similar populations centered at various cities. For example, here you can see that a 20 million person city centered on LA is much smaller than the equivalent on Chicago
Other major change is I fixed a bug where small international regions were being filtered out. If you were wondering where Monaco was it's here now
Generally this is about like cultural amenities, such as restaurants bars etc
I think one of the annoying things in urban cultural discourse is that the thing that makes travel interesting (every city being unique and having distinctive amenities) and the thing that makes living in a city good (every city having every amenity) are contradictory
A lot of people are implicitly applying the travel standard in all situations, and that leads to bad takes
Imo transit speed is not actually that important for city transit (it's very important for commuter rail). The last mile is usually most of the trip anyway, coverage, low headways, and no bunching are way more important
"Do Jesus and God have 'similar substance' or the 'same substance'" - the greatest thread in the history of forums, locked by a moderator after 7628 civil wars,
Modern schism cause: "does group X deserve rights?" Ancient schism cause: "is a hot dog a sandwich?"
Like 90% of secular attempts to justify social conservatism around family, marriage, divorce, etc, take the form "if we force people to go through the motions of a thing that successful people do it will make them successful" Equivalent of an unfunded $3000 wristwatch mandate
Juxtastat 308 2/5 🟩🟩πŸŸ₯πŸŸ₯πŸŸ₯ juxtastat.org
Urban Statsjuxtastat.org
I get this for some recipes but like I was making habanero sauce and I feel like the precise amount of onion actually matters for that
Ok legitimately are recipe writers just allergic to postal scales? Why does every recipe say "1 onion" as if that's even remotely a unit of measure Simple step to take before writing the recipe: take the onion you're using, place it on a scale, write down the number
Finally started posting Exarchates, my fanfic discussing the post-Dominion War reconstruction efforts on Cardassia and Bajor to AO3. I'll be cross posting them one at a time from Tumblr since I figure this is a better place to put them archiveofourown.org/works/57011470
Genuinely fascinating the number of people who think that education should largely consist of reading old books written by people in agrarian societies without science, democracy, technological progress, etc
Like what's more useful, scientific research attempting to answer a question or some old book that's just what some guy reckoned about the question? At least if you're religious there's the concept of revealed truth, the secular version of this is just sad
Really enjoyed the book Yellowface, the first piece of media on the phenomenon of cancel culture that I have ever seen in my life which did not make me want to write a four-page angry response app.thestorygraph.com/reviews/2f55...
Review by notkavi - Yellowfaceapp.thestorygraph.com Disclaimer: this review is going to be pretty stream of consciousness because I don't want to ...
ZΓΊΓ±iga's failed coup shows that the youth of today are too busy putting woke diacritics on their names to properly get a job done
"Brigadier General Zebulon Pike" and "Emperor Maximinus Thrax" are two great examples of the genre of "real historical figures that sound like they should be in a dime store Sci-Fi novel"