
Seriously, check if your antidepressants put you at risk for lower heat tolerance. It's possible you're not (just) aging, you're dealing with symptoms of a routine medication.
Many common medications, including antidepressants, can reduce your heat tolerance. If you live in a place that doesn’t usually get this hot, now is a good time to check all of your prescriptions’ side effect lists to see if they include sensitivity to heat / heat intolerance.
Here's the list which goes around at this time each year. Note: List is NOT all-inclusive. Note: Internet IS full of dicks, always double-check your prescription label.
...someone is going to crawl up my butt with a "Well ACT-u-ally those are side effects not symptoms" but it's hot and I'm well-medicated and I don't care.
thanks for this list - I take trazodone for insomnia and sometimes forget that's an off label use.
Thanks for sending that around, I wasn't aware of this.
Woohoo, two of my meds on there!
It's like seeing a list of old friends. Aw, Paxil, remember that one? Those were good times.
Thorazine is in there too. That's some Happy Mumbletown meds right there!
I in fact thought I was losing my mind when I abruptly lost a lot of my humidity tolerance as well as the top end of my baseline temperature tolerance a couple years ago until I realised I’d started an SSRI and it is a very, very common side effect. I felt much better knowing, hey, there’s a reason!
I love summer. LOVE it. And then one day out of the blue I straight-up can't manage the hard heat anymore and resigned myself to "Welp I guess this is how I am now." And it is, but there's a reason for it, and you're so right about feeling better because of it.
Yes! I don’t actually mind making the trade, the alternative is absolutely untenable, but gosh does it feel better knowing that it’s a trade that I am actively making and not having suddenly and inexplicably gotten far less hardy in just this one specific way.
And a hearty fuck-you to the “ha ha, you’re old now” responses I kept getting from people older than me that prevented me from figuring this out for years and pushing myself too hard to prove them wrong.
This is A Real Thing, it’s severely impeding a colleague of mine, and there’s not a damn thing they can do about it.
I’m on two AND am perimenopausal. I’m fucked.
Three of my meds are on that list, I'm menopausal, and a redhead (or was before I became a grayhead). The sun is my mortal enemy.
woah thank you. maybe this is why i almost passed out doing yard work last week.
TY for this! My teen just figured out her SSRIs are going to make this week really tough. She’s 3 hrs away in a summer research program; I hope she can keep cool.
It's no joke. On Sunday, for the first time ever I wasn't able to finish a Renaissance Faire. It wasn't entirely heat, but it was at least 70% the heat. Both of my meds can cause overheating
(The other 30% was my noodle arms and a heavy basket with two full water bottles)
THANK YOU! That explains part of the problems I’ve been experiencing. The rest I can blame on a different med that makes me sweat excessively. That and >70% humidity.
Yes, I just discovered that. The doctor just put me on a diuretic and the next hot day laid me flat. Thanks for the reminder.