
Whenever someone trots out this tiresome "I was hit as a kid and I turned out fine" bullshit, I remember this piece by It still takes my breath away.
Cannot describe how tedious, dubious and ugly this piece is.
People who say "I was hit as a kid and I turned out fine" are, without meaning to, telling you that they didn't turn out fine.
I was beaten as a kid, and beyond the emotional scars it has left me struggling in raising my own children because that was really the only corrective tool I learned. I refuse however to perpetuate the cycle of violence. It dies with me.
Thank you for sharing this; I can tell it's going to stick with me. Today isthe first Thanksgiving in my house with my new son and there's nothing I want more than to be damn sure I break the cycle that was handed down to me.
my parents did it (and it was hard!) and i am thankful every day for it. your kid will be, too.
too rich for my blood having a panic attack just reading the lede
Man this is powerful. I am so fortunate to have parents who would never even consider this - but for a few years my teachers would hit us and berate us. That ruined years of education for me as i never trusted teachers or felt safe. I can’t imagine the damage dealt by parents who hit.
I read his journals. Sedaris was not fine.
oh, it killed me when I first read it, and it absolutely had an effect on me when I re-read it last night. And just last week my sister and I were asking each other if maybe we’d have been different people, happy people, if we hadn’t , you know
I've read a lot of Sedaris. He tries to gloss over it with aloofness and claims to be "blending fact with fiction" but it's fairly clear he had profoundly abusive parents.
I was hit as a kid, and I turned out pretty Not Fucking Fine
that's something. my kids did not run around restaurants unfettered and amazingly, I didn't need to beat them. It's interesting how people like this frame it as 'if you don't beat your kids, something is wrong with you'