
I'm constantly marveling at Trump's luck as a politician. He only won in 2016 because he ran against one of the Democrats' weakest candidates. In 2024 he ends up running against someone even weaker.
Counterpoint is that if the other possibilities were so much stronger, why didn’t they win their own party’s nomination?
Because the party leadership is averse to healthy internal competition
I'm a big Bernie supporter — knocked doors in 2016 and 2020, whole shebang — but a lot of people seem to brush aside the fact that he got, fair and square, significantly fewer votes than his opponents in both primaries
I'm not even talking about just Bernie. The party operated like 2016 was Hilary's by fiat to the point that Bernie was the *only* competition. And then in 2020 of course they cleared the slate to appoint Biden.
if Sanders' only path to victory was a fractured moderate vote it says more about his strength as a candidate that Biden's, imho (and again, I'm a Sanders supporter)