
major white dudes figures in media need to get a fucking grip. The cowardice is so gross and repulsive
Notice how few of them are women and people of color! (Of course not all, but this is fear-driven cishet white dude stuff, trying to control narratives they can’t control and nobody wants them to)
Instead of going to therapy, they go into writer overdrive (to be fair you could say the same of Fitzgerald or Hemingway)
The “Biden stays” scenario is profoundly unwise because the idea that Biden “had a bad night” is delusional. Obama showed it’s possible to get wrong-footed at a debate and recover. Biden is largely incapable of clear extemporaneous speaking in general.
A Methodical Approach To The Democratic Succession In a void of important information, half-baked ideas are flourishing. This is a complicated decision, and only Joe Biden can make it.
Going to add all white dude media/comms flip-outs to this thread. Dudes who are cowards hate being called cowards. We should do that more!
That’s Dan Lavoie above who immediately blocked me because he scurred!
I just went ahead and blocked him finally. He’s been beating this terror drum whose beats are telling him in secret language that Biden is <5% to win, and it’s ludicrous nonsense. Eyes on the fucking prize dude.
I was *this close* to biting on that dude this morning during break. He uh, had some fun maps in July. AZ was immutably locked down for Trump as was PA.
Yep, and when pressed about what to do better, they inevitably dither and show all of the fortitude of a bowl of overcooked pasta. We deserve a better class of shit poster. I'd be way more afraid of running an insurrectionist felon than a guy who made the mistake of being born on Nov 20, 1942.
I immediately followed becuase you scurred him, thanks for the good work!
Geez, I thought I had that guy blocked already.
Yeah, but at least Hemingway put out interesting stuff!
The thing they’re shitting their diapers over — “What if the old man becomes incapable of doing the job?” — is the exact reason we already have a VP Which means the REAL source of their anxiety is they don’t want Kamala to be president
It’s a big worry, I’ve heard so much terrible shit said about her in the Midwest. Stuff they would never ever say about Obama. It’s so fucking weird (and I don’t agree)
I like her a whole lot, but I worry about Midwestern racism tbh
Misogynoir is real. And I don't kid myself that it wouldn't come out against Michelle (WHO IS NEVER EVER GOING TO RUN ANYWAY), who is their go-to figleaf when they're doing "but not THAT woman!" with Harris.
That sucks! I don’t hear anyone mention her ever, which is kinda also weird. But I know the misogynoir out there is real
The "his legacy" bs is so much nonsense.
I've thought of him as an absolute sleaze politician. Then I met him. Got to know him. Watched him evolve...and as an old ass ever-aging I too grew as a person. We're voting to save institutions, btw.
I think there’s a weird CW developing among the replace Biden set that he can only possibly be staying in the race because of an ego the size of a galaxy, and I think apart from all politicians having egos, this just doesn’t square with everything we know about Joe Biden.
Idk I always knew. I just know that type of man with integrity. There aren’t a lot left, but there’s a specific type of elder statesman Midwestern male that is like him
Berners in new skin suits but the exact same play.
If you voted for or supported the guy you should not be allowed to work in the field.
Trump won the demo most likely to be screaming bloody murder about Biden right now. White dudes also dominate most editorial/management positions in Journalism. Now I’m not saying there’s a direct correlation, but we’d have to pretty naive to think that’s a coincidence
White men are the reason we're in this mess. They are ALWAYS the reason we're in a mess. The least they could do is STFU and follow the examples of better sectors of the electorate.