
BHive feels very “that one white woman on Bluesky who I screenshot to harass and now she and her followers are harassing me back and it’s not fair”
Listen, I don’t want to jump to conclusions here, but calling people who don’t think Biden should be replaced as the nominee the #BHive feels like a backdoor misogynoir somehow and I hate it.
It’s funny cause he won’t skeet that here, cause he knows better
BHive bashing was rampant on Twitter in 2019-20.
Eh, I had dozens of comments from my own readers telling me to shut my mouth this morning, that I'm hysterical, that I'm not going to like it when I'm executed, because I said I don't think we (Biden) can win.
You’re a journalist right? You have an important voice that spreads right? All of your anxieties are on display to us normies fyi, and it scares the shit out of us. Not Biden.
I would highly recommend listening to me on this. Really.
As far as that execution part, that was out of line
I am anxious, yes. I'm certainly not dispassionately observing. But I think I'm laying out the case as I see it, not just running around with my hair on fire. Lot of shooting the messenger going on because (some) people are finally saying yeah actually this does look bad.
Where do you reside? Are you coastal? This is important. All I need is the region.
You're right and they are wrong, ma'am. People who aren't in denial can see it.
Running a potentially infirm candidate who refuses to demonstrate his lack of infirmity is never going to cause us lose, BUT nonconformist criticisms on the part of party supporters of doing so is absolutely going to cause us to lose. Alright class, show of hands, what is wrong with this picture?👩‍🏫
I like how he tried to dunk on you and now everyone is giving him shit. This place has the juice.
It also has the juice because y’all defend me here, and on twitter that seldom happened to me. It’s weird and highly welcome! :)
At least for me it's because this place is smaller, so I guess I feel a little more personally affected when someone I like is taking unreasonable shit. Also, I think because it's smaller, people like Brian actually see all the negative responses.