
A film that you are reasonably sure that you're the only person to have seen it more than once, in the theater.
the hidden rules, what a ride
Just watched The Hidden a few days ago, I'm not sure how I missed it so completely all these years. So many years, Kyle MacLachlan looks like a college kid. One of our better movie night finds.
So good!! I discovered it recently because of a course I taught on horror films, and this was one of the most precious gems I found during research. Wish I had watched it on VHS tho.
I saw it three times in theaters. Although i only paid twice. The third time was after i got bored during the Cher movie Suspect and left and went to the screen across the hall to catch The Hidden again. I was excited for Kyle Mac, but I'd be remiss if i didn't mention it being peak Michael Nouri.
Still mad at Claudia Christian for bailing on Babylon 5, in part because she felt she didn't get enough screen time, when her character would have been at the center of season 5. Hasn't done anything as good as The Hidden or B5 since.
Saw this for the first time recently & absolutely loved it!