
Just FYI we’re entering a summer Covid wave right now (especially western regions in the US); you can see it in the CDC wastewater plot here (and anecdotally a bunch of my friends are suddenly testing positive).
Wastewater COVID-19 National and Regional CDC’s National Wastewater Surveillance System, U.S. National trends
I really wish we could choose to do a booster every six months if we were so inclined — feels like I’m catching COVID right at the wane of immunity from the last booster.
You kind of can if you're willing to lie a little bit and pay out of pocket, the drugstores aren't really checking that closely though YMMV and you may have to drugstore hop. The funniest thing is I got mine two weeks ago at the same drugstore chain (not location) that I got my booster in the fall.
I do think it's hilarious that it took a global pandemic to make me a consumate rule follower to be like fuck it, gonna work the system. All of my tricks are like how to get travel paxlovid though and like how to get metformin when your doctor won't prescribe it for you.
I wish I'd done this. Really looking forward to getting on a cross country flight end of the weak with my waning October shot pumping around inside.
The lie a little bit is when they asked about the date of my last booster I maybe didn't tell the truth. That german dude got 200+ shots me getting a covid vaccine twice a year isnt going to kill me.
Between the Cat 4 hurricane turbulence and the plane load of unmasked coughers, it should be a fun flight. Note to self - next time lie.
Don’t suppose you’re interested in sharing those tricks? (Also, your account is among my few indispensable reads.)
This is not medical advice: If you Google reddit travel paxlovid you'll find a path. You'll have to lie and say you actually have covid though but they run it through your insurance and dispense from a normal pharmacy. Also say youre obese and have no other preexisting conditions
Metformin is really really easy to get: just look for a longevity website like agelessrx - they mail it to you so this is too have on hand. For faster screws A friend was also able to get it via Pushrx they dispense through local pharmacies
Again: not a doctor. Certain medications and conditions are contraindicated for the above. Do not take without at least taking through your covid options with a real doctor. Pharmacists are good people to talk about potential drug interactions.
Also dont, imho, get travel paxlovid if you're traveling domestically. Your doctor can call on a script remotely if you get sick. This is specifically if youre going abroad where these meds can be hard to come by
Thanks. I can’t believe/can absolutely believe that we have to do this.
Ooh this is a good note. How much is it out of pocket?
It was $189 iirc so not cheap but not out of the realm of possibility for some people vs say 1000 or even 500
Yeah — doable for me for sure though I’m sure that price would be out of reach for a lot. And ironically the failure of the social safety net means nobody even gets the time off to recover from the day or two of vaccine side effects so additional costs are invoked for sure. Ughhhh.
As someone who felt miserable for about 2-3 days after each of my 1st four vax, this trick reduced the symptoms to a mild headache for less than a day for 5th vax. Its something I share with everyone, as the difference to me was staggering -
I'll try this if I have to take another mRNA shot but for me switching to novovax fixed the issue. No days long fever. No swollen lymph nodes. Just a tiny bit of swelling at injection site that I only noticed if I went poking around
If you're willing to pay out of pocket, do you even have to lie? Last time around I decided to get both the Pfizer (mRNA) and Novavax (old fashioned cultured) shots, based on evidence that they interacted in useful ways. First I went to a drug store and paid for a Novavax shot.
Then I waited a couple of months and went to get my free Pfizer shot from my HMO. At first they balked because their computer told them I was up to date. But when I explained why I wanted both shots, they shrugged and went ahead.
Mine wouldn't have given me a booster if I'd gotten the last one. They made that really clear.
Perhaps it's because I'm old. But I was asked zero questions.
Yeah it's cause youre older people 50 and over can get it and its recommended for folks 65 and older. Everyone else it's gaming the system