
All you really need to know is it CAUSES IMMUNE AMNESIA. Imagine getting every single cold, infection vaccination all over again.
Most Americans don’t think about measles because vaccination had largely eliminated the scourge from the U.S. in 2000. But many Americans who survived measles as children never forgot how sick they were. These are some of their stories.
Isolation, extreme fatigue, lingering misery: What it’s like to survive Measles is back, after vaccination largely eliminated it from the United States. Survivors describe having one of the most contagious diseases on Earth.
I had my titers run in 2015 and I'm having them run again this year that is how much I DO NOT WANT MEASLES.
My early 20s were like an endless run of upper respiratory and stomach viruses and I have zero desire to ever repeat that. Hell is puking up college dining hall cooked beef with broccoli when it wasn't even that good on the way down
I just this Spring had mine run and the doctor told me I was no longer immune and I got the vax again ASAP!!
You mentioned checking antibodies almost a year ago on Twitter and I've had it on my little notes doc of Things To Ask My Doctor at my annual checkup. Appointment is next month.
I had mine run in 2015 also, and measles was the only one that had dropped below the acceptable threshold. It was WAY below, even though I had done the recommended childhood cycle.
I got an immunity test at my physical this year and was inordinately pleased that everything looked great!