
Prediction: Trump will argue that his NY conviction must be overturned because the court admitted evidence of conversations he had with his staff while President in order to prove knowledge and intent. He will argue those conversations were “official acts.” Judge Merchan and higher NY courts …./1
Trump’s lawyer made that explicit argument this AM to, citing the court decisions that held his social media feeds are official communications so he couldn’t block people, hah hah hah.
Yes, I didn’t consider the ludicrous possibility he could appeal because angry tweets are official acts. My vestigial connection to humanity occasionally impairs my ability to predict FedSoc arguments.
Serious question from a longtime follower: Do you think any of the conservative justices who signed on to this decision are regretting it at all right now?
No. A couple of them might have an “ah well. Regrettable” moment after Trump starts really being Trump.
At least one of them is likely picking out which festive celebratory flag to fly
How do you suppose the Six will react when the Trump DOJ tosses Kagan, Sotomayor, and Jackson into prison? My guess is Alito will be ecstatic, Thomas will be pleased, and the rest will disapprove but keep quiet so it doesn't happen to them.
They'll be sorry about Jackson, but only because of the tradition that the junior justice answers the door and is responsible for fixing their complaints about the food.
There could be a Rahimi to this Bruen in a few years. Let's hope it's not urgently needed.
Sure, but if there's a Rahimi in a few years, that just means Trump did yet another fuckup so bad that SCOTUS had to get involved again.
as I said, let's hope it's not urgently needed.
Except I don’t see how it matters if Trump is elected. I don’t see the opportunity for a case to proceed unless Trump wants it.
Yikes, that is even grimmer than I was thinking, and I have been thinking things are pretty grim.
Just trying to think if there's any path to state-law prosecutions to crimes committed as President. (Or, even: appeals of the current NY or GA cases still working their way through the courts.)
The Rahimi would come when Biden is being prosecuted for, uh, whatever Trump decides.
Dictators famously love judicial oversight.
Not a chance. They all secretly wish they were tiny hands trump.
"Surely the leopards won't eat MY face!"
When did he stop being really trump?
This feels too generous. But I look forward to them turning on Thomas and Barret when they are no longer needed. I just wish I could see their faces when it happens. Thomas has to know it's coming. Barret is probably stupid enough to think it isn't, though.
It’s the “what Jesus’ attack dog do?” rationalization.