
This is accurate, who gets to run the Federal bureaucracy is hugely important, and that’s before you even get to the matter of appointments.
Judiciary appointments and agency staffing are two huge reasons I’ll be voting for Biden despite the many, many issues I have with him. Both have impacts way beyond a presidential term & often have life or death level consequences. I’m not voting for a person, I’m voting for a path.
This is all very true. I think tho, most of us know how to and why to🗳️ Despite The Hype, we know that we're voting for a party, not a man. Like, Do most people know Biden administration auth seniors + the disabled statistically one of the biggest benefit raises? Better Fed Social services = Dems
Honestly, I don’t think most people do vote that way. Or at least, the legions of “undecided” voters don’t. And of course, the media depicts it as PvP.