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Formerly Ahasuerus.

Threadbare in coat, heart, body, and brain
It sucks that Gandhi read the Bhagavad Gita because Helena Blavatsky told him to
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Scholars have largely dismissed the theory that the Salem Witch Trials were caused by ergot poisoning, but what I propose is that they were caused by an epidemic of poster's madness in colonial Massachusetts.
And then you have Benjamin Franklin driving Cotton Mather to madness with pretty much daily posts about how dumb the witch trials were
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Dante Alighieri and Geoffrey Chaucer.
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I’m at the Tobbaconist, I’m at the Intimates, I’m at the Combination Tobbaconist and Intimates
BTW - other than Ben Franklin, who are the most notable survivors of poster's madness? Hillel and Shammai?
Scholars have largely dismissed the theory that the Salem Witch Trials were caused by ergot poisoning, but what I propose is that they were caused by an epidemic of poster's madness in colonial Massachusetts.
And then you have Benjamin Franklin driving Cotton Mather to madness with pretty much daily posts about how dumb the witch trials were
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deadly serious, if you can convince small business owners that the republicans intend to pass a law that tells them they *cannot* operate on sunday, the party implodes *overfuckingnight*
Tired: Project 2025 wants to bring back the Sabbath. Wired: Project 2025 will ban Sunday sportsball games and forget about getting beer.
This is worth asking: What general-news sources do you guys even bother with any more? It's a shrinking list, and I'm not happy that I find Bloomberg to be probably near the top of it? HuffPo, Vox, to a degree. Idk.
it really really does shift my feelings on like,the importance of these publications i seriously did, until this moment, despite my many issues with many particular stances, rank The Atlantic as one of the places for mature sophisticated thought with broad grounding in reality
Twitter is still Twitter
on twitter somebody was ending up doxxing another person because he posted that he showed his girlfriend miami vice (2006). you schizos need to up your game
Amazing how much all of these guys were just too fucking late to stop someone who they think is an incompetent feeble old man.
old dude who refused to exit the stage long after their moment has passed heal thyself
Terrible that this is where we are, but it does seem as though an ego-driven Biden is now more likely to be brought to reason by the kinds of people who write coffee-table books about history (he really likes those people) than by anyone in the party.
Joe Biden Might Still Choose To Stand Aside—Here's Howwww.offmessage.net Biden allies who want him to retire should try appealing to his sense of historic largeness rather than to polls and the needs of the Democratic Party.
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EVs will soon become so much cheaper than ICEs that everyone will ditch their gas cars all at once, sending the used car market into a death spiral. The last time this happened, Hollywood spent about a decade demolishing the excess stock via cheap TV car chases—a paradise we could regain!
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similar to the tipping point in the mid 2000s where LED/LCD high definition TVs became strictly cheaper than CRTs of the same size. CRTs were functionally dead within a few years.
This will be an interesting day to reflect on in the future. "Battery cells at $50/kWh means the technology to decarbonize most of road transport globally is already here, as opposed to in some future scenario." EVs are cheaper than ICE now. Today.
China’s Batteries Are Now Cheap Enough to Power Huge Shiftswww.bloomberg.com We no longer need to model for when cell prices drop far enough to decarbonize road transport. That day is here.
You should take precautions to limit your exposure to COVID. That said, the headline's "symptoms 'worst yet'" is literally one person on Reddit describing their experience.
Economists have predicted 11 of the last 5 recessions. Nate's going to beat their record.
Nate Silver attempting to predict a recession in order to support his election model reminds me of Warren 2020 saying they were going to use immigration reform to help pay for Medicare For All. If you can do the first thing we’ll give you a medal! Why is it a component of a second thing!
Bless their hearts they polled Al Gore
If Biden has unique weaknesses not shared by other Democrats they aren’t showing up in polls. Only Harris polls roughly even with him. An open convention is a terrible idea
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Me, totally concentrating on work right now
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“Women’s standards are too high, they only want Chads”
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My wife and I are having our real wedding this year in Minnesota, effectively creating a destination wedding in Minnesota, so we planned it so we could take all our friends to the State Fair. Today, the new foods list for the Fair delivered this banger. www.mnstatefair.org/new-this-yea...
New Food: Deep-Fried Ranch Dressingwww.mnstatefair.org
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conversely: why is food depicted as being happy to be eaten?
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british columnists are down BAD-bad, my goodness
Please help, I'm trapped on this island, no no don't rescue me, just blow it up
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Credit where credit is due: this is one of Biden’s best defenses.
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rewatched dr strangelove and cannot stop thinking about the comment “he’s just doing tim robinson” about george c scott
Deers used to be fanged and some still are. Tusks!
Taxidermy can be magic.
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Biden on the Congressional Black Caucus call just now: “I can't thank y'all enough. You got my letter today. I'm not going anywhere!" (via April Ryan)
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microblogging sites will give you a solid read on the thoughts of our nation’s literate unemployed class and our middle class that has too much free time
hot take: all microblogging sites are unique echo chambers and none are representative of the country at large, and also all opinion pages are Just Some Person Posting (derogatory)