Kimberly Adams

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Kimberly Adams

Senior Washington Correspondent at Marketplace and Co-host of the podcast, Make Me Smart. Guest Host on C-SPAN's "Washington Journal". She/Her
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Really cannot emphasize enough the emotional benefit of picking a spot where you can have an outsize impact and digging in to really work on it in addition to your other efforts. My contributions to protecting anonymity online have been SUCH a motivator for avoiding despair.
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The 1893 Columbian Exposition (Chicago World’s Fair) was the 1st major media event in the U.S. and almost everyone ignores that the carefully orchestrated socio-cultural messaging done there had outsized influence on the ideologies that would come to define U.S. white supremacy in the next century.
ok i have another quote tweet prompt. what's something, big or small, related to your job or hobby, that most people don't know that you would like to have them know? it can be a concept, a piece of history, some vocabulary, or something else.
Here's something fun! On the Fourth of July, I'll be moderating a panel at the Anime Expo in LA! Yes, I can be all business and politics, but a girl can have hobbies! If you're in LA, come check out: "Crunchyroll Presents Revenge of the BLERDS: Black Love of Anime"
We've almost hit our May fundraising goal for Marketplace, and they even brought back the Jasper wine tumblers as a thank you gift! Our deadline is midnight tonight, so please support if you can.
Our Marketplace May fundraiser ends tomorrow night, and we need your help to reach an important goal. As most folks know, traditional revenue sources for public media, are declining this year, and we are not immune to these trends. If you can, please give today!
Invest in Marketplace! Help us make people everywhere smarter about business and the economy. Donate any amount to become a Marketplace Investor today!
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My TED talk went up this morning. It's about the power of storytelling, and how escapism can help us engage with the world in more productive ways. Plus I talk about the @official501st, the #emeraldtutu, and @sfmta_muni! Check it out here:
How fantasy worlds can spark real When the world's problems have you weary, journalist and editor Annalee Newitz suggests a good dose of escapist fiction to refresh your perspective. Step into the whimsical world of science fiction, c...
There are just four spots left for this trip to Cuba! Join me and some other Marketplace fans to learn about this complex economy and fascinating culture!
Want to come with me to Cuba? I'm hosting a "Discover Cuba" trip January 25 – February 1, 2025. Tickets just went on sale and there are only 30 spots available if you'd like to come along!
"Every time there's an eclipse, Bonnie Tyler's phone rings off the hook.  'My emails are coming in like Fast and Furious every time there's an eclipse'" Love that song and what a fun story.
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April 4, I'll be part of a Poynter-Brookings webinar on how we report on the state of the economy in ways that build trust with a skeptical audience. Sign up here & use the code 24MarketBeat18 to drop the cost to $18 (normally $75) to enroll in Poynter's Beat Academy.
Beat Academy (2024) - Gain powerful new knowledge, sources, datasets and expert advice in these webinars, designed to empower journalists and serve communities.
April 4, I'll be part of a Poynter-Brookings webinar on how we report on the state of the economy in ways that build trust with a skeptical audience. Sign up here & use the code 24MarketBeat18 to drop the cost to $18 (normally $75) to enroll in Poynter's Beat Academy.
Beat Academy (2024) - Gain powerful new knowledge, sources, datasets and expert advice in these webinars, designed to empower journalists and serve communities.
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New show alert! The team at "Marketplace Tech" has a new series, "Decoding Democracy", where we dig into mis/disinformation this election cycle. Our 2nd episode is out today, & we discuss what the Kate Middleton photo drama can teach us about America's 2024 campaign.
AI Manipulation and the Liar’s Dividend | On this next installment of Marketplace Tech’s limited series “Decoding Democracy,” Lily Jamali and Kimberly Adams discuss the evolution of deepfake images, ...
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I greatly enjoyed speaking with and about right-wing populism on Marketplace’s Make Me Smart Podcast. There is a lot more to say, but this covered many key points.
The global rise of right-wing populism - And what the economy has to do with it.
Want to come with me to Cuba? I'm hosting a "Discover Cuba" trip January 25 – February 1, 2025. Tickets just went on sale and there are only 30 spots available if you'd like to come along!
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Native Americans are far less likely than other racial groups to gain a spot on the national liver transplant list, despite having the highest rate of death from liver disease, according to an analysis of four years of transplant data by the Markup and The Post.
A death sentence: Native Americans have least access to liver transplant Despite being more likely to die of liver disease, Native Americans are far less likely to make the transplant list than Whites.
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Our latest health data round-up for MPR News shows hopeful trends in COVID, RSV and flu data, as well as the leading causes of death in the U.S. and Minnesota by
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I have worked the elections here in Florida since the disaster of 2000. 3 elections a year every other year. I also participate on the Canvassing board the last 6 years. We have always needed poll workers. Sometimes we get the schools to send Seniors in High School to help work the pools.
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I've been working the polls regularly since 2020 and it's been super rewarding - MN lets you register at the polls and every year there's always several new voters who are EXCITED about it! The day goes by fast, especially for general elections, and at least here you get paid, too.
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How to become a poll worker in California. LA County pays $100 a day. You can also earn a $100 stipend if you are bilingual (I think that's one-time only, though).
Poll Worker Information :: California Secretary of
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Some get paid, too. Oregon election workers are considered temps and get paid minimum for a couple hours' work on the day of if they're closing boxes at 8pm. Those opening the ballots for counting work longer.
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Great idea! Here’s another for faculty in a state w/o online voter registration: become a deputy registrar and carry registration forms with you. Tell your students that you’re happy to get them registered.
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Being a pollworker is great. I'm not sure if it's the same in every state, but in Michigan I will note this is not a volunteer position -- you are paid for your time.
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I turned 40 last year... and made a deal with myself I was going to try out 40 new things by the end of 2023... I wrote about the experience for our "Make Me Smart" weekly newsletter. Have a look and subscribe!
Make Me Elevate your understanding of what's trending, breaking and buzzing with Make Me Smart. Because none of us is as smart as all of us.