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Reader & reviewer of books, sports fan, anime fan, Veteran, & dealer of sarcasm. Frequently NSFW. Not here for a date #FTTB #GoKingsGo #BBN #UFC #ATOBTTR
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This, the game needs to be taken down
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Fellas, does wiping your ass make you trans?
"Jets have come out to play" 🤔 Dude, here in the real world - they're playing the Commodes.
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Death finally got the ultra-rare drop out of the lootbox, I'm so happy for him.
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Women are being given shit for *checks notes* having standards.
According to the WaPo Ed board, young men are consuming media about hating women (and others), but straight marriage is so important that young women should ignore that and marry them anyway. It's opinion like this, much more than the sorry state of men, that make me petrified for young women.
Opinion | If attitudes don’t shift, a political dating mismatch will threaten Gen Z women are turning left, while men are veering right. Can American marriage be saved?
49ers win! Slap hands 👏
Gameday ❤️💛
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Anyone need an 18th-century sedan chair?
In case you have always wanted your own #c18th sedan chair, Chorley's auctioneers in Gloucestershire has some on sale: h/t to Susan Holloway Scott for the tip-off 🗃
Day 1 Asian Art & Carpets I Day 2 Ceramics, Glass & Books
Mr O'Malley broke his favorite perch, but never fear, he will use it until he falls through it. Happy #Caturday
It's 75 degrees and I'm wearing a robe. Why? Because it's new and soft, and it makes me look like a bad-ass boxer.
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Two years ago the house next to ours went up for sale, so we quickly assembled our new 12ft skeleton right on the property line to send a message to potential buyers. Well, a cool young Halloween-loving family took our bait, and now they’ve brought it all full circle… SKELLY TWIN POWERS ACTIVATE 💀🤝💀
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How many more *massive* accidents from gender reveals have to happen before this shit stops? People have *died* because weird ass people need to tell the whole world what genitals their kid will have and it's fucking disgusting.
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Aloha! My auction piece for Maui fire relief is up! Place your bids at
Mahalo for all the aloha and funds you are sending for Maui recovery. Currently Big Wow! Art is running art auctions on Facebook to further benefit the people of Maui. This is an original piece I've donated and it will go up for bidding on Monday 8/21. Good luck.
Today I bought a Nalini Singh, a Karen Rose, and a Vivian Arend. I feel much better. Hopefully, my reading curse is broken without resorting to rereading an old favorite!
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So this guy is $7000 in vet bills in six months, including his stint with pneumonia last week. I'm trying to cover vet bills! Anything purchased from me or Becky on the shop goes toward me having nice stuff. Like electricity. Thanks, folks!
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A bookseller told me they’d sold a copy of my sapphic beekeeper romance to a customer, and that customer later found a swarm of bees in her yard — and she recognized what they were doing and was able to get them properly hived! This bee book saves bees! #romancelandia
The Care and Feeding of Waspish Widows — Olivia
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#Romancelandia newskies! A quick primer on feeds. First of all, they're like lists in Twitter. But you can add them to your top bar for easy check-ins. Here's how. Go to: 1/
I usually go for the freshly squeezed lemonade. Is there a dirty fuck-stand we need to be aware of, because this sounds like teller lady is visiting a whole different "ride" at the fair!
My neighbor said the bank teller told her she wasn't going to the MN State Fair this year because she didn't want to get syphilis. My question for you: What's your favorite thing to do at the State Fair?
Friends, please watch your health and go to the Doc if you feel "off". One of my best friends had a heart attack at the end of May. Three days later, she suffered a series of strokes. She has also had hemorrhaging and required a D&C at 52. She is currently in assisted living, trying to find normal.
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Cake has a good song about this
I think the ultimate look is wearing a cape and a skirt and having the cape go further down than the skirt