
Amazing how few university presidents would stand up to their boards to tell them to just wait until the end of the school year and the encampments would disperse
Cornell's encampment ends, voluntarily, after 2.5 weeks of being more or less left alone by uni admin. A marked contrast to Dartmouth, Columbia, etc. Too bad peaceful ends to peaceful encampments don't make national news. Grossly distorts public perception.
Coalition for Mutual Liberation Voluntarily Ends To close out a two-and-a-half-week encampment, approximately 250 supporters surrounded the original
At the very least this whole debacle has shown everyone that it's the boards who actually control college campuses and if your precious Jamantha went woke it's in spite of the fact that she's supposed to read Milton Friedman and Shelby Foote books.
"went woke" is just another way of saying "has different opinions than me" and some parents act like their children are incapable of forming opinions on their own at all
A lot of conservatism’s attitude towards children and society makes perfect sense when you understand that they see their children as their property
The boards, the donors, and Republican House members.
I went on a college tour with my oldest last weekend at Bryn Mawr and that was their approach. And I might not even had known the encampment was there if the school hadn’t mentioned it to us in advance
Well at last the House Republicans respect the university heads who called in the cops right
Weird as shit working at a school that didn't just absolutely embarrass itself so maybe the 1st or 2nd time in my career