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Higher Ed Professional and Hockey Advisor
Leader of the Story of the Year Fan Club-Michigan Chapter
Shoresy on the sheet, Riley in the streets
Marine Le Pen finding out the right wing works better in Quebec than France
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So voting is better than *not* voting when it comes to getting what you want? Huh.
BREAKING NEWS: Voters turned out in numbers not seen in decades to stop the far-right National Rally from taking power in the French National Assembly. Polls predicted a first-place finish for National Rally, which instead came in third in initial results as polling stations closed.
Projections in France's election show voters rejecting the far Voters turned out in numbers not seen in decades to stop the far-right National Rally from taking power in the French National Assembly. Polls predicted a first-place finish for National Rally, which ...
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BREAKING: Upside side down French flag spotted outside the Alitos' summer residence
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Loooool. Eat shit, fascists
Here's some fashy tears for your Sunday.
EDSBS gone means I have to go to Reddit. And it’s not gonna be the same but at 35 we’re gonna try and get Jer back to that self joy that has been withering away each football season since about 2019
It’s Live Free or Die Hard night in the house I will not be debating with the haters and losers, of which there are many, who call Die Hard not a Christmas movie and LFODH not a July 4 banger I wish we could have a fire sale of the election I tell ya what
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the poor guardians staff watching a crazy white lady throw a bunch of used racist logo gear out to fans
Reskeet with a tweet you still think about
Reskeet with a tweet you still think about
Rain Dance when you can It’s been a pretty great summer
drop the most powerful image in your gallery with zero explanation
Oh it’s dad making your drinks right
dang I think I got that youtube 2 ounces bartender this a jack sparrow coke
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This kid man… when he gets older and stops wanting me around as much I’m gonna be so sad
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They uh... They went with Michael Flynn?
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Sometimes I wonder how people can fantasize that a milquetoast leader like Biden can be a tyrant, and then I make the mistake of looking at Nextdoor and some old white dude is calling it "Orwellian" that the town closed a street for the 4th of July parade
Good morning Bluesky. SLow day at work, let's kill time here together
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Germany: this is the KriegPanzer, the most advanced tank in the world. Its so advanced it can only be made in 2 factories and takes a month build one... Why is it on fire? US: oh, we killed it with 5 tanks built in a factory that made kitchen mixers before the war. Makes 10 tanks an hour now.
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If Tim Pool’s fans don’t call themselves ‘Beanie Babies’ there is no god.
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NYT: Joe should quit, he stutters Philly Inquirer: Trump is a fucking criminal what the fuck are we doing here
God Bless Paul Davies and the @PhillyInquirer: "The only person who should withdraw from the race is Trump...There was only one person at the debate who does not deserve to be running for president. The sooner Trump exits the stage, the better off the country will be."
To serve his country, Donald Trump should leave the race | Editorial Biden had a horrible night Thursday. But the debate about the debate is misplaced. The only person who should withdraw from the race is Trump.
Time for me to retake also buddy I think I'd need a translator up there like the one cop in hot fuzz
Ok no spin. I lean leftist and I get all the jokes about how leftists get nothing do (the facts, not the jokes, it’s fact) But Christ dude. How is this the best they can put forward and you expect it to work?
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this is the only good debate post. everybody else stop posting
Bezos is in my top 5 of “it’s gonna be so cathartic when his innards let loose with shit after succumbing to the grip of death” moments That fucker is evil
WIRED caught an AI company scraping its articles w/o permission. Turns out, Amazon was hosting the machine doing the scraping, even though that violates Amazon's terms of service. Oh! And the AI company is funded by Jeff Bezos.
Dammit this was him complaining about USA Hockey and the CHL. Not actual heartbreak. The 2024 Jer sucks continues
This guy is a rink baron. Team owner. Scourge of junior hockey. And he just…. Tweeted….. this….. out ….. Are things gonna turn around for me?