K.L. Neidecker

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K.L. Neidecker


“You see, first I called them and they said “cool, just fill out the form” so then I sent a telegram and they said “form” so then I sent a mariachi band and they said “but the form” so I took the hint and sent them a car full of clowns but they sent it back.” - George “What R.R. Instructions” Martin
Yeah. So far no issues I can see. Plenty of nice features.
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It's that day again. Hope your Monday is as good as it can possibly be. 🤘🏼
100%. Somewhere between low budget and high budget, between some kind of nerdy anime and noir dashed with horror. The acting is fun, even the odd way the doctor speaks (though it can get old after a while). We sure don’t see the like now. It’s not a reboot or a sequel, so no money to be made.
Dark City! I mean, look at my profile pic and tell me you don’t peg me as a Dark City fan. Such a strange and cool little gem. So many odd choices and it somehow comes together.
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Something that should be - but evidently is not - obvious: No one knows what happens next. Disregard people who pretend otherwise and revel in the empty self-aggrandizement of “historic” proclamations. The key lesson from “history” right now is that contingency reigns supreme.
Heck yeah! Looks good. High res for the screen size, you have a lot of screen real estate to play with! All the Literature and Latte, none of the Windows AI crud!
@theredprince.bsky.social is my favorite. Everyone else is melting down, and this legend is posting about secret werewolf cabals and cowboy ghosts. Not all heroes wear capes.
Discourse: noun /ˈdiˌskôrs/: 1. Written or spoken communication by people with 50% or less of the facts about the topic discussed. 2. Circular arguments between strangers, each considering themselves experts. See also: Ouroboros, clown car, background noise, white knight, hot air
You are some kind of Story Spirit, some primeval force the practitioners of the old plains magics whispered about around communal fires. Always at work, always moving. Congratulations on another sale!
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Book Signing today, 1 to 3pm, with bestselling crime and horror author Armand Rosamilia, comedy-horror writer Damien Casey, and Central PA's own Joe Ortlieb. We have plenty of their books for purchase. You may also bring books from home to be signed.
Does this say “TV critic”? Like the person who rates episodes of Seinfeld? Is that the specialist we need rating debate and/or speech performance?
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the idea of an anti-tech grift is so fucking funny like yes, that extremely lucrative space of *checks notes* fighting desperately against every major corporation and every media exec pushing the art-should-be-cheap-and-free narrative SO LUCRAtiVE
Ha! Well, look, gender neutral draculx, I’ll accept that as a completely valid answer and I have no further questions! Anti-capitalist…that one really did make me chuckle.
When I see people posting in all lower-case, I ask myself “why?” I’m not some grammar elitist or capitalization policeman or something… But you have to disable like three settings buried under four menus to even make your phone let that happen. So, why? Modern art? Post-modern statement?
I just read someone talking about how they wanted to “empower belief” and I may have thrown up in my mouth a little. Non-profit corporate weasel words do not make one sound intelligent. And they should all come printed on big red flags.
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This is very tough to say. You’ve served us well for many years. But you’re really old now. And lately you’ve said things that don’t make sense or were just wrong. So for the good of the country, it’s time to quit and pass the torch. This is a post about the New York Times and Washington Post.
You had me there for a second. I was like “what the hell…oh man! That’s good!”
My RTX 3070 as I boot up yet another DosBox game: “Really, bruh? An EGA game? 16 colors? You know I have the power to ruin your entire world (see ‘AI/crypto farm power use for more info’) and you’re going to play Starflight on me?”
I don’t post politics that much. But hey, there are two parties. Both are dragons. One is waiting, ready to eat the country. The other is busy eating itself. (And there are no third-parties. Just a bunch of pseudo-dragons nibbling at the larger dragon’s droppings) Feels great. So fun.
For real. I actually like 3 and 4. Not saying they held a candle up to 1 and 2, but they tried new things (prison planet, and odd reincarnated Ripley directed by wonky French guy and crazy camera angles). All four are perfectly enjoyable as a sort of massive arc.
Yes! Something about that combo. And the fact Indian food is simmered and you basically eat the sauce as well. So every bit of the nutrition is there. And that naan bread. He retired sadly. But for a year I ate it multiple times a week. I miss it.
Yes. I find a good burger works for me. A real one, not a fast food one. What worked best, but sadly he closed, was an Indian place. Vindaloo, things like that, would hold me over for 9h. Full of vegetables, fiber, meat (other options if you are a vegetarian), etc. Kept the diabetic munchies away
I’ll do just that. I know they are elevated. A month back I couldn’t answer the simple question “what’s for lunch” because I was so overwhelmed. It locked me up.
This may be it for sure. All I know is in the past it really messed me up. But as I said, stress has made my glucose worse lately. So I took the risk and went back on it. This time, being sure to take with ample food, no real issues. But a decade ago…whoa boy. Let’s say I kept tp in the car.
Awesome. Obviously try dietary control to get it down. And stop smoking if you do so. Stuff like that. My goal is to be as med free as possible. Not because I fear or distrust them, but because you *will* need them sooner or later. And later is better. But while making changes, meds help.
The blood pressure on the other hand…do right by that. Dealing with it myself. That one can bite you on the ass whenever. Even untreated diabetes can take decades to damage you, but blood pressure is like rolling dice and can mess you up early if bad enough. Meds are effective there though