
Disabled folks get treated like shit in every aspect of life & have to deal with that constantly. I wish more people understood that when disabled folks ask for the bare minimum in accessibility instead of responding with dismissiveness and apathy when asked for small accessibility changes.
Something like changing your personal language use or being more accessible with your social media is such a small ask from disabled folks, and yet people think it’s being overly sensitive or asking too much. Like ok then, change every systemically ableist aspect of society overnight then.
If you can’t even change your language or your personal habits in order to be more accessible and anti-ableist, I’m supposed to trust you to change federal policy for healthcare, employment, education, and institutionalization. Yeah ok. For sure. Right on that.
Too bad disabled people are too busy being scolds on the internet about language. If they weren’t doing that then all the Allies™️ would be doing the real anti-ableism work. Because obviously that was on the top of the to-do list even though they have no disability eduction at all.
Anyway. I think about this a lot.
If your praxis isn’t anti-ableist then I don’t want it. If your revolution isn’t accessible then you can keep it.
I remember learning from a friend how much she hated grocery shopping because she couldn't reach upper shelves from her wheelchair. If things were stocked in vertical rows instead of horizontally, it would make her life that much easier.
Oh, don't even get me STARTED on policy. Too many people-- including many who call themselves leftists-- are incredibly dismissive about their ingrained ableism. They think you must be completely incapacitated in order to be disabled, and don't think we deserve any autonomy.
There’s such a profound disconnect there with people not understanding that the way they personally relate to disability has a direct impact on society, and they way they respond to asks from the community is about much, much more than the words they are using.
Sometimes I have productive conversations where people slowly get to the conclusion that the way they value intelligence and ability is expressed (intentionally and unintentionally) by their language choices. And that has consequences beyond “I don’t like that word.”
Having been on Al Gore’s internet for a while, I do find it heartening to see people shift over time. I try to remind myself that I can’t explode someone’s worldview in a night, but I can contribute to the cumulative conversations that drive change.
Yeah! I always say "why do you equate 'lower intelligence' or disability with moral deficiency?" There are plenty of more accurate words that mean "bad".
This reminds me of the "right to comfort" aspect of a supremacist mentality. Abled folks don't like being asked to change even small behaviors because of a perceived right to comfort, even if it comes at the expense of disabled people.
I'm completely able-bodied but as a trans woman this is very relatable with respect to cis people which is one more reason for me to go out of my way to be inclusive (I'm by no means perfect, I'm just trying my best)
I'm hardly as good at alt-texting as some people I've seen here, heck, I've made it a habit of reading certain people's alt-text because they're simply works of art and sometimes better than the media they're describing, but I do make an effort to make my shitty skeets accessible.
No need to thank me, just trying to be a decent person.
We should celebrate kindness and effort.
What language changes are requested?
f.i. not only not to stay away from the r-word, but to ban the words moron/imbecile/cretin/idiot as insults folks that dx were among the very first mass murdered by the nazis in Aktion T-4 people w intellectual disabilities did/do not fare much better in the rest of the world
any time you use a word that is related to intellectual disabilities as an insult, you add to the devaluing of the lives of disabled folks with intellectual disabilties... there is a rich ongoing history of the medical/sexual/financial/etc abuses of folks w DID they are the 1st target of eugenics
I'll add "dumb." People use "dumb" to mean bad, uninteresting, botched, or silly when it really means someone who can't speak.
One of the major things I wish I could overhaul is the way we put the burden on disabled people (most of the time) to ask/go through administrative hoops/prove up their need for something. The way we do it just doesn’t work.
And nothing going to change unless people take action and start demanding for fairness
Why was that a thing in the first place what the fuck?!
It still is a thing in 37 states and in federal law. The argument for it was that people would not hire employees with disabilities if they had to pay them the same as someone without disabilities. However, when I worked at the state print shop in MN where several "service workers" - the title of
persons with disabilities who worked for the state government - were employed, I remember the manager who advocated for employing service workers pointing out that there was less absenteeism, malingering, theft, etc. Not that theft was much of an issue in a print shop.
The ONE time I could see this MAYBE being a thing would be if the government paid the difference with tax money, which I'm just going to assume they aren't because we're talking about the US here
They are not paying the difference.
I noticed the same thing especially with alt text. It feels like touching the burner to check if it's hot when you have to ask someone to add alt text.
A lot of people simply do not give a fuck.
People need to be more humble about shit like that.. why is it so difficult just say "oh shit! I didn't intend to leave anyone out let me fix this." I carefully approach with things like that and still get my head bitten off most of the time.
i once asked an "inclusive" ttrpg community if they knew if a certain game had large print character sheets, and a good 90% of them acted like i was the king of faery coming to steal their firstborn. and that's just the less intense ableism ive seen
This will probably sound awful- but my understanding was changed when for 7 short weeks this year my leg was in plaster and I was in a wheelchair ( and my collarbone was broken so I was relatively helpless). I finally understood what it was like to be disabled. My heart goes out to disabled folk.
Would that they could spend a day in your shoes. Life has a way of kicking you in the ass, and able-bodied people should not be so smug.
It is also hard for mentally disabled(like autism). Nobody sees that the person needs help.
My son is hearing impaired. Have fought for him all his life and continue to do so. Society is so judgemental about those whose abilities are affected. But the battle and rage goes on
As a disabled person myself, I completely agree! 💜
Yeah Got absolutely shut down by my own father today, he'd shown me how to use a tool but because i requested a mask so i wasnt breathing in stupid amounts of dust, he took it as excuse making so fobbed me off entirely Ngl, felt like crap, wish people would give us a chance
These people wouldn't give their seat up on a bus for a disabled person