monique d'hooghe ♿ they/she

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monique d'hooghe ♿ they/she

They, she
♿ peace & social justice activist

Nothing about us without us
Why am I not surprised that you think getting beaten & arrested on television can go onto your resume. Anything to be special, am I right?
This is too objectively pro-Saddam for my tastes.
liberals today:
Friends, I'm getting this error message when I send emails to Yahoo accounts from my work email: "550 5.7.9 This mail has been blocked because the sender is unauthenticated. Yahoo requires all senders to authenticate with either SPF or DKIM." Anyone have any idea what this is? just started today.
Answering #H5N1 questions in this 🧵 Topline: H5N1 does not pose an *immediate* health risk to most Americans (we'll talk more about the non-immediate risks in the 🧵) Do not consume any raw dairy products (raw milk, cheeses made with raw milk), do not consumer raw eggs, do not consume raw meat.
Alright, let’s do this: what are your bird flu / H5N1 / 🐮 questions?
People who didn't obtain advanced graduate training in this shit deserve to have their good faith questions heard, and answered, in a non-judgmental manner. If you can't do that? That's fine, but stay the fuck out of my replies when I'm doing that work.
Derisive messaging to people who are, with very good cause I might add, concerned about another pandemic is not welcome in my replies and will be blocked no matter the credentials of the poster.
Just a note about my personal approach to posting: I use my limited energy to post relative to the war crimes of the Netanyahu regime, aided and abetted by the Biden Administration, and the crushing of dissent in the U.S. on X/twitter because that's where I have an audience.
40-50 students were arrested at the CCNY encampment
amazing, folks in the comments (many fellow students) are sharing the charges, allegations and complaints against the mostly bored looking cops standing there blocking students
and I wouldn't advise anyone to come on Bsky tonight, ffs, to try to persuade folks to vote for Biden. That's bad strategy and bad tactics.
Part of being "good at social media" is tailoring your message to segmented audiences. If you can't tell that BlueSky is very, very different than other social media platforms, are you good? I don't have (nor do I want) 1MM followers across platforms, but I am a professional political strategist
Wasn’t that always the whole point of tradwife content? It’s blatant RETVRN nonsense in fetishy form, nothing subtle about it. This is like being surprised that incel content leads to misogynistic far right content.
Tradwife influencers are just Great Replacers by another name.
Tradwife=MAGA Stepford wife
If I'm reading this right, what's interesting is not that this content contains far-right messaging--"submitting to your husband" is far-right by definition (unless it's kink?which... fine fuckin' line!)--it's that subscribing to it makes the algo bring *other* far-right horseshit to your feed.
Everyone has forgotten everything
I don't mean this as a critique (and who cares if I do, I mean who tf am I?) but this is akin to describing a gun as being an efficient way to deliver a bullet. The tradwife aesthetic launders fascism through it by design. It's using fascist tropes to push fascism.
All you need to know is that one of the most popular tradwife ladies is the wife of the JetBlue CEO. She is cosplaying. It's cosplay. She is not anything actually like a "tradwife". She's pretending to be one like nerds pretend to be Darth Vader at a ComiCon.
Many popular “tradwife” creators are quietly couching far-right conspiracy theories between videos of bread baking and milkmaid dresses; the findings suggest that interacting with tradwife content can catapult users down dangerous conspiracy theory rabbit holes.
STUDY: Tradwife influencers are quietly spreading far-right conspiracy You might not notice it, but your algorithm sure does
that's what it was always about
Many popular “tradwife” creators are quietly couching far-right conspiracy theories between videos of bread baking and milkmaid dresses; the findings suggest that interacting with tradwife content can catapult users down dangerous conspiracy theory rabbit holes.
STUDY: Tradwife influencers are quietly spreading far-right conspiracy You might not notice it, but your algorithm sure does
Again, H5N1 in wild birds is pretty dang difficult for a human to acquire. But it's never a bad idea to take precautions, especially if you have any degree of immunocompromise, when dealing with animal feces, not just because of H5N1! It's poop! It's pathogens!
When dealing with animal feces, it's always a good idea to take precautions BUT H5N1 bird flu has been a thing in the U.S. since late 2021, when it was discovered in wild, migratory birds. So H5N1 in wild birds is not brand new, and, importantly, does **not** easily transmit to humans 🧵
If i wash my car, which has a fair amount of bird poop on it, to be on the safe side should I wear PPE (goggles, gloves, cover bare skin, respirator)? I have a mildly compromised immune system and I keep wondering how risky bird shit is, it flakes off when I open and shut the car doors...
The main thing no one (no one!) should be consuming is raw dairy products. "Raw dairy" refers to dairy that hasn't been pasteurized. So no unpasteurized milk, no cheese made from unpasteurized milk. (Pasteurization is the process of flash heating a liquid, like milk, to kill harmful pathogens) 🧵
What are the things we shouldn't eat? Sounds like - undercooked beef, raw eggs, unpasteurized milk? But is drinking milk straight ok?
It's possible that if you're in close physical proximity to a sick bird, you could breathe in virus. Again, this is not really a general concern but is more applicable to people who are, for example, keeping chickens.
The H5N1 bird flu is *not* well adapted to infecting humans. There has been no known human-to-human spread of H5N1 in the US. (The goal is to keep it that way!) People have been infected by close contact with infected birds (eg touching sick bird, touching your eyes) or, now, with infected cow 🧵
Despite concerns about its presence in milk, is the main route of transmission still airborne? Any info on fomites?