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Queer, tired and probably boring. But, I've got a neat dog, two awesome partners, and Prozac. ♑️

Sorry about the typos.

She/her or They/Them
It's been quiet. I'm moving again. Hopefully, this is the last time for a while. Once I'm settled, I will start posting again. I want to get out for the summer and explore some weirdness in The Garden State and beyond.
Me when someone tries to explain cryptocurrency to me
Me when someone tries to explain cryptocurrency to me
Does anyone have a line on where I can get one of these handbags and/or pairs of shoes? They sound lux.
I get all my news from X
I hope everyone is having a good month. I hope you have food and shelter and comfort.
Also, why was Castle Greyskull green?
I have the weirdest desire for old toys I used to have. I would love to get my hands on some My Little Ponies and He-Man stuff. I have no room for it, but to have Snake Mountain again.
With the creation of The Unknown, I believe AI has given us the best thing it will ever create. Can we just pack it in now?
So Disney is the 2nd largest buyer of explosives in the world. The US government is the 1st. If you ignore ordinance, Disney is the largest buyer of fireworks in the world. And that's a rock fact.
Sterling was a good boy at the groomers today, so he got a treat. His groomer has the cutest stuff.
A good friend of mine has been working with this chef in Gaza for the past few months and he’s been doing amazing things- but he is in excruciating pain every day and really needs to get to Egypt for medical treatment- if you could help or share I’d be ever so grateful
Chef Ahmad and his family Exit Aid & Medical Care, organized by Sarah My name is Sarah Murray and I'm from Ireland. I am fundraising for my d… Sarah Murray needs your support for Chef Ahmad and his family Exit Aid & Medical Care
I went to a new eye doctor yesterday. They pulled out a book to test for color blindness. I know 100% I am not colorblind. But, I was still afraid I was going to not get the test right. I should probably go to therapy.
A few days ago I met a pal, an OB-GYN who is working at a service that sends abortion pills (mifepristone and misoprostol) to women who need them in states that ban abortion. She asked me to help spread the word about how to use the service, and asked me to ask you guys to pass on the info. 1/6
Ancient Roman TTRPG lol
ancient crystal d20 on display at the Louvre, proof nerds have always been with us
When was your last covid vax? I was a month off. I just made an appointment for my six month jab. Check your records.
Me too, little homie!
Actual conversation today with my little kids. 6 yr old: is today a school day? Me: no, it’s President’s Day. A president died so you have the day off. 8 yr old (shouting): I LOVE WHEN PRESIDENTS DIE!
I got Covid a year ago at a funeral, and ever since, I get hit with phantom smells. Usually, it's cigarettes. I had an upper resp infection, and I smelled and tasted cigarettes, chocolate, soap, and garbage. And they're so real, I have to keep asking my partners if they can smell anything weird.
This is how you do it. I've always supported Red Mill and King Arthur.
Remember the metallic LA Gear Sneakers no one wanted? They're back! But, even shittier!
if this motherfucker makes it through sneakercon without someone chucking a pair of shoes at his oversized rotting melon I give up
I got to make a Miss Havisham reference about myself today and I don't know how to feel about it.
most crisis and suicide lines will contact the police without your permission, trans lifeline is committed to not involve police. please make sure your loved ones have the number
Please make sure your friends have the Trans Lifeline number if they need crisis line help. They will not contact the police without your consent and are available throughout the US at 1-877-565-8860
Bob's Burgers is my comfort show. It's gotten me through many panic attacks.
Bob's Burgers musical numbers make me happy on a level I'm not sure I can explain
Quote post with the fictional character you are in your head.
Please if anyone can spare anything to help Noor and her children in Gaza survive There's a link in her bio Please keep reposting Free Palestine 🇵🇸
Prices in Gaza before the war and after the war Flour now costs 120 shekels, before the war it cost 40 shekels A kilo of sugar now costs 40 shekels. Before the war, it was 3 shekels A plate of eggs now costs 110 shekels, before the war it cost 12 shekels
I'm literally taking the placeholder pills in my birth control, and yet my period cramps have managed to surprise me. I'm disappointed in myself right now.
I quit my job. Long story, but they were trying to get me to work outside my contract for the shittiest deal I've ever been offered. And I know for a fact they offer the male employees a much better deal. I'm think I might cash out my retirement and do something nice for the polycule.
I know tensions are high and fighting about online activism is exhausting but I want to share this article “Palestinians in Gaza are making one request of civilians in the West: share their stories.”
My car looks exactly like a Rock City ad barn, and I paid 75k for it!
Cybertruck owners rationalizing the rust problem have hit a new rock bottom among Musk nerds