
I think that a lot of people feel lowkey shame about not having an anti-ableist education and so they shit on people who talk about accessibility as a way to deflect. When really they shouldn’t feel shame. Structural ableism intentionally restricts disabled knowledge.
There’s no shame in not knowing. There is shame in knowing and refusing to change.
If someone is consistently ableist and inaccessible after learning about access needs and disability inclusion, I personally don’t believe they’re a comrade. I think they’re full of shit and they don’t care about actual solidarity. That’s just me.
If you care about people. If you care about solidarity. Then you act like it. You make choices that show you give a fuck. And if you choose not to do it, well then it makes it pretty clear who you care about and what your priorities are.
People not making stuff more accessible is so weird to me because so much of it is minimal effort. Use the mic in the room. Don't use red / green as your color contrast. Most alt text is easy (though there are cases where it's hard, like eg if you're trying to assess "can interpret a graph"). etc.
Well yes, AND Link's point (as I read it) was that access to education about this is limited and a ton of people don't KNOW about red/green, so imo saying that it's easy ignores the fact that when society ignores accessibility people who aren't directly impacted often don't even know what's going on
First, folks have to know, and once they know, whether it's easy or not, we all need to be doing our best to take care of everyone in our community
It's wild how many people will put in maximum effort to come up with reasons why they shouldn't Do The Accessible Thing instead of the minimal effort required to actually Do The Accessible Thing.