
Netanyahu comparing US college students to 1930s Nazi Germany is fucking disgusting. Dude is in charge of the genocide in Gaza and ethnic cleansing in the West Bank but has the unmitigated gall to say students protesting his crimes against humanity are fascists. Fuck him.
If anything, they're the anti-nazi German youth that were executed or disappeared, and history repeats itself
Biggest case of projection I've seen in a long long time. That rotten bastard needs to be dragged in front of the Hague if for no other reason than to legitimise the institution.
Also has a policy incentive to make people feel as unsafe as possible in America so they can come and live in a shitty condo on top of what used to be some poor families olive tree grove.
Guy got an aid bill from us this morning and is like ā€œyour country is out of controlā€ just what the fuck is happening
If I ever go to one of these protests I'm making a sign that says, "Israel is a country. Not a religion. I hope this clears some things up."
Netanyahu is literally a holocaust revisionist, so its fairly unsurprising really.
Yep fuck him He disrespects Holocaust victims so much
That Iā€™m possibly going to live to see liberals pretending they were always against the genocide they were just ā€œafraid to speak upā€ makes me want to pre-order an extra helping of Rly Fucking Tired
Ilan PappƩ is an Israeli historian.
You must be from a very odd dimension.
Today on Random Leftist Infighting:
Hey, so Iā€™m on approximately 0.5 hours of sleep and misread ā€œliberalā€ as ā€œleftistā€. Please excuse me haha FUCK
I dunno can they at that point? Like at this point theyā€™re at gotta move to argentina level. Especially that we have screenshots and video of everything theyā€™ve ever said. I know Iā€™m being fanciful but if they end up at a Nuremberg trial of 2028 they wouldnā€™t have a leg to stand upon
White supremacy has made them extremely comfortable with lying and pretending even in the face of overwhelming evidence. Even in the imaginary version of reality where they are punished for their crimes, they will go to that punishment being sure that if we just had more context weā€™d understand too.
I was talking this out with an Afghani friend from college, we talked about how immediately after 9/11 there was Hillel house sitting every day in the student center handing out Israeli flag t shirts and talking about how actually Palestinians did 9/11. Prob last time Palestinians were acknowledged
One good thing about Netanyahu is that he ripped the 76 year old propaganda band-aid from the colonial face of Israel by sooling a holocaustic slaughter on the Palestinian people to expand their biblical real estate claims that were blessed into being by god himself, Lord Balfour, on primetime TV.
Iā€™m starting to think that guy isnā€™t on the up and up.
He says this and then sucks imperialist cock so he can receive aid packages. Iā€™d greatly appreciate if he and the US military disappear forever.
ā€œThe young adults in your country are soooo horrible and fascist and antisemitic, really a shithole, anyways please give me your money and weaponsā€
Apartheid Israel used to be chums with Apartheid South Africa, they shared techniques, weapons & attitudes. Projecting their fascism on others was a favourite. Margaret Thatcher & Ronald Regan were big fans of Apartheid.
Every conservative accusation is a confession.
Language itself just collapses into a semantic soup of reactionary synonyms for Good and Bad šŸ˜ž
The US is considering sanctions against one battalion in the IDF for human rights violations. Netanyahu basically admitted that the allegations were true, but it didnā€™t matter because they were ā€œfighting terrorismā€. Dude needs a one-way ticket to Nuremberg.