
i think donald trump should withdraw from the presidential race, for the good of the country
It is wild that a guy who is siphoning funds from his party to pay his legal funds is still the presumptive nominee to a party that harbors "fiscal conservatives". They want a strong military led by the guy who gave Afghanistan to the Taliban. He's the Taliban's best friend.
ending the war in afghanistan was the one good thing trump ever did
Except he didn't "end the war" more than he gave the country to the Taliban and left everyone running for the exits.
Literally no, no it wasn’t The SOLE reason IQ45 abandoned Afghanistan was to fuck Biden over. He announced an impossible pull out schedule with no plan to put it in place or support our allies afterwards Yeah, he got our troops out of Astan, but he LOST the war and destroyed ANY goodwill we had
I don't think a twenty year war that only created death and destruction helped
It certainly didn't, and the country is in worse shape after its government was destroyed and allowed to be consumed by a theocratic regime ensuring that women had their rights sent back decades.
A Taliban delegation attends a UN-led meeting in Qatar on Afghanistan; women The Taliban is saying the West should look past their harsh edicts on Afghan women and girls to improve relations
I'm 42 years old, and I still don't really know what the official reason we invaded Afghanistan. Something about terrorists and how evil the Taliban was. Which isn't a reason to invade a country. Fuck George Bush. He needs to be in prison and not doing art shows
Definitely agreed on fuck George Bush, he should not have freedom and our country shows we have no backbone because there were not mass calls for his arrest. That being said, people under the Taliban are not in a better situation they're just forced with our shit decisions for likely generations.
They justified it on the grounds that Osama bin Laden was there, being sheltered by the Taliban. Taking a few well-chosen targets out via drone would have been far more effective than falling into the trap they set, spending lives & resources on a big war to radicalize more people to hate the US.
It was, but the way he did it was, like everything else Trump did, ill-conceived, poorly planned, and horribly executed. There was never going to be a good way to leave, but there were better ways than how Trump did it.
This is the correct take. We were not going to leave it better, but we absolutely didn't have to leave it this bad.
The one thing you can say about Trump is he doesn't care about making messes, so he was never going to try to find a non-messy way to leave, which is what was tying everyone else's hands. Of course, this also meant Trump wasn't going to care about finding the least potentially messy way to leave.
Precisely. If you don't care about where you shit then you're never stuck trying to find a bathroom.
He only gets partial credit. He set a withdrawal date but it was Biden who actually executed it at great political cost.
Not entirely correct. He didn't just "set a withdrawal date", he also released 5000 Taliban prisoners. He also did not include the Afghan government in these discussions, which signalled that the US was going to be leaving regardless of who wins the election. It was a catastrophic decision.
And if he had stayed in office he would have cancelled the withdrawal once the blowback started.
Absolutely no. That would mean that Donald Trump would have had to care that people were dying and that just doesn't meet with reality. He would've just said, "I did what none of the other presidents did and got us out of Afghanistan" and that would be the last word.