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Occasional YouTube game reviewer (@FromKribToGrave)
Social media recluse (mostly)
Loving father of one (Bichon Frisé)
Forgetful (ADD)
Very good at
Omg my feelings exactly. The worst part is that the restaurant already served dogshit and broccoli the other night and radishes and dogshit the night before that. Just stop expressing an interest in the dogshit so they stop putting it on the menu. Honestly!
Reposted byAvatar Kribby
I am an existentialist and I approve this message.
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Free Palestine sticker spotted in Chicago
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New comics up at with work from Pia Guerra (attached), Niccolo Pizarro, Jen Sorensen, and Tom Tomorrow.
If you stare too long at any set of eye brows, pretty soon they stare right back at you.
Reposted byAvatar Kribby
Loving Gary Busey’s quote page on IMDB. BIG fan of acronyms! My personal favorite is SOBER.
Oh my f-ing God that King Charles painting though! Like... This is some "The Mad King" energy. This is the kind of portrait befitting "King Maegor The Cruel" or something.
Jeg finder personligt de her AI/deepfake videoer ret usmagelige, da de fører til en fremtid hvor folk enten ikke stoler på reelle videoer eller stoler blindt på deepfakes. Dernæst er det også bare en plat måde at kritisere hinanden på som politikere i stedet for selve politikken. #dkpol
To omdiskuterede falske videoer får nu Mette Frederiksen til at komme med en alvorlig formaning: 'Politiske partier skal lade være med det her' To partier har for nylig brugt computerskabte billeder af Mette Frederiksen i kampagnevideoer, og det får nu statsministeren til at reagere.
Never noticed this obvious Blair Witch reference in Baldurs Gate 2 when I was a kid. It's delightful to revisit the game and notice cringy little oddities like this.
Alright, I’ll re-post and make a challenge out of it this time: Share a warped version of a marketing slogan. No photoshopping required. Just post the alternate slogan with the OG picture attached.
About 70% done with a video review that was originally going to come out in 2023. I am not a gun-nut. I swear!
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Writers: please do posts a week, two weeks, and a month after your story drops. Create anniversaries for your creativity. Don't just share them on launch day. A small percentage of friends on socials see any post and we don't want to miss your stuff.
Been thinking about the lifespan of a story and why it often feels like a never-ending grind for the next new work, the next sale. Why it often feels like we have 1-2 weeks to promote a story/poem/essay/etc. and then it goes into the bibliography never to be mentioned again.
Just remembering the slogan that changed marketing forever with its uplifting message. Which Nike is your favorite Nike? 🤩
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Jack D.: ”But what happened is, people started seeing Bluesky as something to run to, away from Twitter. It's the thing that's not Twitter, and therefore it's great. And Bluesky saw this exodus of people from Twitter show up, and it was a very, very common crowd.” Me, the commoner:
These are my favorite socks and among the best souvenirs from my honeymoon in Seattle and shit.
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These kids are going to be so embarrassed when they find out all changes made in the history of humanity were achieved by asking the people in power nicely.
Er meget skuffet over dagens afsnit af Genstart som på ingen måde forholder sig kritisk overfor Cass rapportens svage metodologi, manglende involvering af data fra trans forskning og det simple faktum at nogle af dem der har skrevet rapporten selv har tilknytninger til anti-trans organisationer.
Reposted byAvatar Kribby
Oh, so you're mad about a bad thing? Well what if I told you that other bad things also exist. What would you say then smart guy
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Damn brilliant ad by World Wildlife Fund. It's just the perfect mix of context and humour.
Reposted byAvatar Kribby
These ads where people say they don’t realize they’re paying for multiple subscription services… how do you live like that. Do most people not keep track of their money at all
So it turns out that Harvey Weinstein got his case overturned due to some shenanigans with witnesses testimonies supposedly not being relevant to the case. So a retrial has to happen now. Not to worry though, because he’s still doing 16 years in jail for a separate sex crime.