
If you think that we actually just need a civil war to settle this once and for all: 1. No, you don’t. 2. No, you don’t. 3. You are an idiot.
Trump’s re-election will mean four hideous years of the GOP playing constant Civil War Chicken at best - as this Heritage Foundation ghoul made clear - and actual civil war at worst. Avoiding that bloody nightmare is a pretty damn good reason to suck it up and vote for Biden.
I'd love a civil war. But no casualties, and no disruption to my lifestyle. Other than that, all good!
Civil War 2.0 is a bunch of states seceding and the rest of us not making much of an effort to bring them back. I’d feel bad for a lot of decent people stuck there but I feel bad for them as it is
These people are not going to be content with just having their own fascist red states. They want to crush us too in our blue states.
The invasion of California would be wild
California would probably win but we really don’t want to find out.
How would New England secede, though? Would we band together with NY and NJ and be our own little country? I don't know if it's useful to spitball because I don't see how secession could even be a last-ditch maneuver to avoid fascism in MA. How could we actually fight? We're so small.