Garrett Latimer

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Garrett Latimer

Pliosaur, toy designer, professional engineer, fifth-generation Clevelander.

Usually SFW, but be careful. Not for the kids.

Human-created art for humans. 100% AI Free. No generative sludge here.
Holding Sodalite’s giant Luxray plush at Anthrocon. Renta is just so soft… #WaggeryWedneday #fursuit
Ugh, that’s not good. There’s no one right way to do muzzles, both approaches are worth exploring. The combined approach does seem to reduce the number of welds, but you lose the transition and it’s harder to flatten the front of the face. It’s also a side chamber so it won’t expand proportionally.
They are a bit more robust than ring welded limbs, plus they give you so much control over the shape…
Good Morning! Here Is All You NEED TO KNOW About The Updated COVID-19 Shots Planned For This Fall. Thank You For Reading! 🧪🧵⬇️
I’m looking forward to seeing further refinements of this design.
Was too excited to fully wipe the powder off. So prototype ver.1 🦊 so lots of changes planned along with a different company. Want better seam placement, design changes on the face, no white seams being visible, better cheeks etc. it’s our first inflatable so learning as we go but very excited 😆
Was too excited to fully wipe the powder off. So prototype ver.1 🦊 so lots of changes planned along with a different company. Want better seam placement, design changes on the face, no white seams being visible, better cheeks etc. it’s our first inflatable so learning as we go but very excited 😆
The head feels a bit too bulbous and the ears and paws could be emphasized a bit more. Maybe upsize the muzzle a tic and move the cheek tufts a bit too. Blended limb attachments are a good choice. Keep up the good work!
So, it's taken months - yes, really - but I _finally_ have a workable set of line art for "Visiting Friends on New Innsmouth".
I have become hopelessly distracted by the gargantuan inflatable sockeye salmon. Maybe Rockeye needs to be at Anthrocon next year? #furryart #wip Don’t compare him to a Reefslider. He hates that.
Being helpful, thanks for hanging gang and for tonight's art suggestions!
I'm becoming convinced that liberalism inevitably gives way to fascism. Only the left actually fights fascism. Liberals pretend to and then capitulate at every turn in the name of tolerance. It's like they never learned about the paradox of tolerance.
Concord is hilarious because it takes place in a world with aliens and robots being common, yet the best character designs they could come up with were "Human" and "Human with SFX makeup". 0 furries or particularly "monster-y" aliens. At least theres a robot...
Tfw you get a contract that expressly prohibits *any* use of genAI to create the work, and also prohibits the publisher from using what I create to train genAI under penalty of legal action, we love to see it 😭
Hork Bajir from #animorphs . One of my fav alien races of all time!! What got me into scifi as a kid c:
If you're queer you're Other and you're Other before you're anything else. Even family. Wasting your time trying to prove you're One Of The Good Ones is a display of weakness and the only thing the fash hate more than Others is weakness.
i don't want to name any tgirls in particular, but if you are a recently-out trans woman and you're still finding your place in the world, i need you to understand that trying to be One Of The Good Ones to cis people who hate you will not end well for you. you are worth more than that. love yourself
Hey wanna see something not terrible? One of the Moth Appreciators brought a rosy maple moth stuffed animal for good luck, then we found a rosy maple moth. Gathering around the moth on a stick is a nice & wholesome activity. Sometimes things are good.
Bucear this is a commission I got from Tojita over at twitter go commission them.
I was playing with BLK's design. This is a bit of an experiment to align him more with his intended parents, a Chinese Dragon mother and Kaiju father. Jury's still up on this, and would be a while if I adopted it because of in-progress art, but I'd like to know what folks thing of the design.
Hey it's me, Sonic the Hedgehog! Did you know you don't have to write every thought you have on the computer? That's right - believe it or not there are many cases where the thrill of likes and reposts do not outweigh the potential real world consequences, regardless of how unlikely they are!
Honestly, my anti-anxiety meds are not keeping up with this past week.
I have discovered an unexpected problem with the inflatables--there are simply not enough places to rehome the multitude of giants. There are maybe five people I know of who actively want air-filled colossi... 6 kaiju completed, 3 ready, 2 fully drawn, 12 started, 3 undrawn.
Guy literally had secrets in his bathroom, selling them to foreign nationals. Calls people to steal votes. Sends a mob to keep himself in office. This country pissing all over its history to bend over backwards for this guy? This is the guy we bring down the whole experiment for?
Do not obey in advance.
According to the Center for Strategic and International Studies—an eminently respectable, bipartisan think tank—right-wing political violence accounted for more than 90 percent of all attacks or plots in the first half of 2020, far outpacing terrorism from any other source since 1990.
We’re in an epidemic of right-wing terror. Won’t someone tell the press? More than a decade of media malpractice enabled January 6. Has the media learned its lesson?
The “…bitch” after Retire is silent but very much there.
AOC is right.
progress on pooltoy hyena for vrchat
You’re getting me fired up about making more real ones.