Kris-Stella Trump

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Kris-Stella Trump

Political scientist at Johns Hopkins University: democracy, inequality, political psychology, public opinion, behavioral everything.
Introducing ISI, the new Munich International Stone Center for Inequality Research: (for a German news announcement: We will support & push forward the study of socioeconomic inequality (esp. wealth inequality) across disciplines & countries. /1
Munich International Stone Center for Inequality ISI is a research center for the study of social inequality. It connects researchers across the world and supports the next generation of inequality scholars.
Hi friends! My colleagues and I are looking to find themes that emerge from a large amount of qualitative responses for one specific question. Does anyone know of R packages or software that can help find qualitative themes in large data sets?
New paper on what public discourse gets wrong about misinformation. We push back on causal claims about harms from mass exposure to social media misinfo. Instead, we argue for focusing on exposure/effects on the fringe -- and, importantly, in non-US contexts.
Americans tend to over-estimate low-end incomes. Would their attitudes toward redistribution (to the working poor) change if we told them the real incomes of low-wage jobs? and I try to find out and conclude it probably would not make a difference.
Sage Journals: Your gateway to world-class research Subscription and open access journals from Sage, the world's leading independent academic publisher.
In a new article out in with Ryan Shandler, , and Taeku Lee, we show that a fairness narrative about the causes of inequality changes redistributive attitudes in 5 advanced capitalist countries, but not in the US.
Sage Journals: Your gateway to world-class research Subscription and open access journals from Sage, the world's leading independent academic publisher.
The people who complain about class warfare won the war - the richest 400 Americans now pay the same effective tax rate as the poorest half of America.
Since the Fed started raising rates in 2022Q1, wealth has grown among the 90% of Americans with the least wealth. This adjusts for inflation. The wealthiest Americans' real wealth levels declined over the same period. #️⃣#️⃣
The Holodomor was a manmade famine in Ukraine in the 1930s. Millions died; it was caused by Moscow. The memory of that event contributes to Ukraine's tenacity in today's conflict with Russia; how could it not. This has been a subtweet of current events.
Walking around fancy campus wondering what the coddled minds here are up to... oh
What is the core difference between ‘left’ and ‘right’ in politics? New paper out in @ActaPolitica where I show that acceptance of inequality separates left- and right-wing individuals in both Eastern and Western Europe, contrary to previous research. Polisky
Eastern Europe is no exception: acceptance of inequality and left–right politics - Acta Many scholars suggest that the left–right dimension can be simplified to a conflict over how much inequality should be accepted in society. Yet, studies on Eastern Europe indicate that acceptance of i...
After Claudine Gay's resignation, Rufo learned that plagiarism was a smear that he could use to attack scholars of race, no matter how flimsy the evidence. New, from me. Please share if you want people to understand the machinery behind these attacks.
This is a witch hunt targeted primarily at scholars of color who study race. Chris Rufo now going after Christina Cross for "plagiarism" - his go-to example is *descriptions of data that are similar.* There are only so many ways you can describe data!
Open season on scholars of They are facing both personal attacks and institutional censorship
Rereading's great The Multiculturalism of Fear. I've read many more books on nationalism, modernity, and the state since I first read this book, yet nothing has changed my mind that this is 100% the correct approach
"Just 116 of the nearly 7,400 state legislators in the United States come from working-class backgrounds, according to a biennial study conducted by Nicholas Carnes and Eric Hansen, political scientists at Duke University and Loyola University Chicago."
Working-class people rarely have a seat ‘at the legislative In her first few months as a Minnesota state legislator in 2021, state Rep. Kaela Berg often wondered: “What the hell am I doing here?” A single mother and flight attendant without a college degree or...
New blog post! "Preregistration: More Promises than Pitfalls," some thoughts inspired by the recent meeting at the Royal Society. I don't find many pitfalls with preregistration itself, but there are plenty of problems with how we talk about it.
Preregistration: More Promises than Or, maybe the real pitfalls are different from what we usually think
Have you ever suspected that you earn less in your fancy job because you're from a working-class family? Our new article out last week in Social Forces with shows there's big class-origin pay gap in the US. About $23k! Free link -
Many Americans are concerned about Biden's age. But no credible reporting shows it has impaired his governing. Meanwhile Trump wants to turn DOJ against his enemies, plans to use the military to suppress protest & deport millions, invites Russia to invade NATO allies & wants to end vaccine mandates
This year we polled the APSA Class & Inequality section about their firstgen status. With the caveat that response rate was low, we found that 26% of respondents were firstgen. I didn't think we'd be anywhere near representative, but was still dismayed at how low it was even among this group.
I generally love my adopted country, the US. But I have been increasingly antsy about something I couldn't quite define for years now, and today this sentence came out of nowhere and seemed to sum it all up.
Just to be clear, we don't think that people answering this way are actually under 30 or Hispanic. It's that people giving inaccurate data on questions about submarines are also giving inaccurate data about their demographics, falsely claiming to belong to these groups.
Sorry to go on about this, but it's is so funny to me. 12% of people under 30 who opt into online polls claim they have a license to operate a nuclear submarine. So do 24% of Hispanic people polled by Pew. The actual number of people who have a license to operate a nuclear submarine is 0%.
This piece on money and the sublime at F1 is incredible. Next time I teach an inequality class, it's going on the syllabus.
Making sure everyone has read Kate Wagner’s absolutely terrific — like a genuinely all-time, Grantland, SBN-in-its-heyday, talk about it 10 years later-style joy to read — F1 article that was mysteriously removed from the Road & Track website shortly after publication
Behind F1's Velvet If you wanted to turn someone into a socialist you could do it in about an hour by taking them for a spin around the paddock of a Formula 1 race. The kind of money I saw will haunt me forever.
My paper on perceptions of international inequality and demand for redistribution (aid) is now out at PSRM. With a survey experiment in Kenya, I show that despite concerns about international inequality, it does not increase demand for aid.
#OpenAccess - Compensation and Tax Fairness: Evidence From Four Countries - - Mariana Alvarado #FirstView
The only single sign-on I welcome: orcid overcoming the editorial manager password guessing game. I'm sure someone will come tell me I'm selling my data for this. So be it, worth every bit.
🚨WP🚨 We test 9 online samples and find clear tradeoffs between attentiveness and representativeness - which sample is best depends on research q and priorities. For social/political qs I rec Bovitz/Lucid, for complex designs I rec Cloud/Prolific
I recently learned about confirmation bias, and now I see it everywhere.
I was once warned about acquiescence bias, and I strongly agree
Der Spiegel asked me how much inequality is too much inequality. Here's my answer: When inequality is so high that it is hard to accurately imagine it, then it is probably too high. They translated it into German and put it behind a paywall, but if those are not deterrents for you, here it is:
(S+) Thomas Piketty und der Streit der Ökonomen: Wie ungerecht ist die Welt wirklich? Thomas Piketty gilt als Rockstar unter den Ökonomen: Seine Thesen zur wachsenden Ungleichheit finden vor allem bei Linken großen Anklang. Doch Kritiker sagen nun, er arbeite mit falschen Zahlen und üb...
Note: this paper's data ends in 2018. The numbers are worse now. From 2018 to 2023, the top 1% gained another $560B in income, while the middle 40% gained $190B and the bottom 50% gained $41B. Since Reagan took office, the top 1% went from 10.7% of all income to 21%. See