Lady Reezy

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Lady Reezy

🌩 Thunder in the Vicinity 🌩
Had to explain to the dog that the Mediterranean-style kabob meatballs and dipping sauce I just made for dinner will kill her if she has some, bc they're loaded with dog poison. She seems skeptical and full of rancor.
There are so, so many reasons to hate Texas, but the toll roads are among my favorites. Spent an hour on the phone getting out of collections (for ~$200... 😒) on an overdue toll bill from 2019 on my former vehicle, a charge that was originally $2.35. I only paid the $2.35, bc FUCK Y'ALL.
Guys, on the duration of fountain pen ink: "Both longer and shorter than you think. It's like a carton of smokes." 😂🖋🧡🚬
My e-cig ran out on Thursday and I haven't had any nicotine since then and I want some, goddammit.
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To quote Noel Coward, pronatalists can
Many humming birds at the feeder this morning and I spied a hawk perched in a tall tree and my praying mantis buddy stopped by to say hello, again. Banner morning on the party porch!
I went and got Whataburg bc I was too lazy to go grocery shopping and when I got home I met this friend, sitting by the front door. Oh, hewwo!!!!! I brought him a dish of water.
The moon looks like a black & white cookie right now.
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Cleaned and updated the meditation shrine. No time like the present, etc.
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How many people still without power in Texas?
To use an aphorism favored by , close only counts in horseshoes and hand grenades.
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Woah I just saw some huge breaking news over on Threads: President Lincoln has been shot at Ford’s Theatre!
Reposted byAvatar Lady Reezy
can't wait to get the centrist media lecture about civil political norms while a frothing fox news whips the maga base into a krystallnacht
Reposted byAvatar Lady Reezy
This is more disappointing than when he got COVID.
Reposted byAvatar Lady Reezy
im old enough to remember when the cia was still good at this sorta thing
I'm currently rooting for sepsis.
Goddammit. How do you miss??? C'mon!!!
You know what's sexist as fuck??? Men's hats are sized but women's hats are inevitably "one size fits most." Well, it don't fit this gigantic brain container (and luscious locks), you fuckin' pigs. I'm a 7 & 5/8 and I want a cloche hat.
It thunderstormed yesterday and it's thunderstormin' again today and it fuckin' rules! ⛈️⛈️⛈️
I'm watching The River Wild on Netflix... I saw it in the theatre as a kid... 30 years ago.
I washed the dog earlier and quarantined her outside while I showered and cleaned up the bathroom. Came back downstairs to let her in and she'd taken a giant dump on the party porch. She has plausible deniability on account of it's raining outside, but I know she did it as payback for the bath.
I finished this book just now. It was outstanding.
I just made a perfect egg mcmuffin at home. I might make a second one it was so good!
Happy as a clam on its birthday... bc it's my birthday! Also, says hi. She's on social media break.
Sheee-it! It's storming here and the thunder just clapped and crackled so loud it jolted me about out of my skin, then rolled away into the distance, rattling the windows as it went.
I am considering quitting vaping. But I love vaping! The compulsion of it appeals to me.
Washed a blazer and hung it up to dry and noticed the inspirational message tag in it... thanks? Seems like a threat?
Ok, that's not fireworks. That's a gun. Y'all don't fool me.
How does one teach herself motivation??