
This is a good interview but the idea that most president’s have “a vision” for their vice presidents and that it was a fatal sin of the Biden administration not have such a vision for Harris is far-fetched and ahistorical. What was JFK’s “vision” for LBJ?
Transcript: Ezra Klein Interviews Elaina Plott The July 5, 2024, episode of “The Ezra Klein Show.”
Even if JFK had a vision for LBJ, good fucking luck getting him to follow it.
Absolutely tickled by the idea of literally anybody telling LBJ what to do and expecting it to go well for them. Imagine sending a modern-day handler to talk to that man.
It’s all retconning now. “See I knew Biden was going to perform badly in the debate so Harris would have to step in but four years ago Biden failed to prepare Harris for this moment.”
twice to people; in childhood and old age. Just like Trump lost the 2020 election; those Conservatives lost the Civil war. But they are back. ... 8
it was made for them. The Founders were thinking about a country of immigrants all part of America; different as the colors of the rainbow. Not strut-stepping to delusion for a few or a delusional man. Those founders were all old, too. Wisdom occurs ...7
weren't watching where you were walking. Meanwhile, the rest of Americans are terrorized by these so-called Godly Conservatives? Who the F do they think they are kidding? Just because England shipped its Puritan prison trash to America; they think ... 6
rights, no say in anything; just pop out those white children and let your husband rape you when he wants. You and the daughters. Oh, and if hubby beats the crap out of you, you tell Millie at church, your black eye is because silly you, you walked into a door and ... 5
longer be taken at face-value. and he debated a convicted felon? Debate about what; how to turn America into a bastian of criminals and liars, you can trust no one? Yes and turn the hands of time back 100 years, when only white men ruled, women have no ... 4
think a convicted fraudster, rapist and spy running for president should have been debated? Should be running? Even when the constitution has disqualified him from running and the SCOTUS is so corrupted and bribed for favors by billionaires, they can no ... 2
In general (not you), who cares about 60 years ago? And how is LBJ thought of today? Not very well. Even past president's aren't. Talk about apples an oranges; we really have deevolved haven't we? Things that should matter - don't and things that don't - do. Bassakwards. People ... 1
If it's an AI or politics episode, I find I just can't listen anymore. He's been good on Israel/Palestine and has interesting guests, but I think his blinders have gotten narrow.