Laurel Busch

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Laurel Busch

Author of Civil War regimental history, essays, short stories. Retired editor. Gardener, animal and nature lover, amateur historian, news junkie. Northern Nevada, USA
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Congressional Republicans introduced a bill to block the IRS free tax filing program. They've also been trying to strip the IRS of its funding. The GOP wants to make it harder (and more expensive) for you to do your taxes while making it easier for the rich to dodge theirs.
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Trump is now the oldest POTUS candidate ever nominated by a major party. He has repeatedly confused Biden with Obama and Nikki Haley with Nancy Pelosi. He fell asleep at his criminal trial. Will the media scrutinize his age & mental decline with the fervor it focused on Biden?
Reposted byAvatar Laurel Busch
I can't imagine being in a national news room today. How can they cover everything? What is going to happen next??? At least the audience is saved from some of the endless repetition (which I turn off).
Did you know you can check out e-books from some libraries?
If you want access to free books, please get a library card. In the US, the more people there are with library cards, the more funding libraries have access to. Libraries provide more than books. They are a community resource. As an author and reader, I support libraries! #books #libraries
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#Music #History The Rolling Stones played their first gig at the Marquee Club in London on this day in 1962.
It apparently has not occurred to President #Biden that he could share his expertise with a replacement. Maybe he does know everything and everyone, but would he not pass all that on to the next person?
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Small PSA during this heat wave. I've always heard the advice to knock on the hood of your vehicle in winter in case a cat is sheltering in the engine compartment. Learned that also applies in summer. My neighbor had no idea. 😟
I think historians--professional and amateur--treasure old diaries because they show what life was like in the past. But I've kept a diary/journal almost continuously since 1962, and no archive in my state is interested in them. Isn't that a loss for future historians? I feel boring. #history
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I feel like this applies to #nonfiction #writing, too. What strikes us about a story--the aspects that intrigue us, the nuances we want to explore, the people we want to highlight--is unique to each of us. How we write about that research or discovery is a reflection of our own voice.
No one has told the story you are telling before. No one. Not even if the plot seems the same or the characters have similar arcs or the subject matter sounds identical. Nope. No one has told this story you are telling because no one else is *you*.
I was happy to see I was more Gen X than Baby Boomer. I try! I'm the weakest on interpreting the latest abbreviations.
Take our quiz to see what your texting style says about you, and how well you understand other generations. We’ll give you a few results along the way and a final score at the end.
What generation are you when texting? See what your texting style says about you, and how well you understand what other generations are saying when they send texts and messages.
Dipping my toe into the post-debate angst. Will voters choose the aging, dishonest, corrupt, unpredictable sociopath? Or will they choose a mostly competent team with good intentions put together by an aging man? Who would not choose Biden's team over the sociopath?
Great, but when are they going to do something about the insurance companies?
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Reminder that no matter how terrible the news is and how desperate things seem, there's always something practical you can do to help. Pick a lane, do something. Today my lane was making some more donations to's upcoming auction to benefit VoteRiders and Fair Fight.
I prefer chunky peanut butter myself, but have you ever tried to give a dog small pills in it?
This answers a lot of my questions.
There were not enough medics or basic facilities to protect Hajj pilgrims from the effects of the sweltering heat in Saudi Arabia last week, two pilgrims recently returned from Hajj told CNN, as the official death toll from this year’s Hajj pilgrimage soared to almost 500.
‘Not enough medics’ to help pilgrims with heat, Hajj witnesses tell CNN as toll mounts | “not enough medics” to help pilgrims with heat, Hajj witnesses tell CNN
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Nevada sure has been feeling earthquake-y lately! There have been lots of small (magnitude <2) EQs in the state the last 2 weeks, many in the areas W of Tonopah and NW of Beatty. See a map of EQs over the state for the last 14 days on our website:
Nevada Seismological
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Just finished this excellent book, indeed a book for our times, as noted in this review. In the conclusion Fullbrook speaks of ignorance (indefensible), impotence (maybe) and indifference (cruelly curated 1933 onwards). Brilliant use of essays written at the time. Terrifying. #History 🗺
In Bystander Society (OUP, 2023) Mary Fulbrook examines German society before and during the Nazi regime and attempts to answer the question as to which social conditions facilitated mass murder. Jan Burzlaff reviews the book. 🔗: #BookReview
Bystanders in Nazi Germany - CEU Review of In Bystander Society (Oxford University Press, 2023) Mary Fulbrook examines German society before and during the Nazi regime and attempts to answer the question as to which social conditions facilitat...
[T]hose choosing to selectively avoid the news also often do so because they feel "powerless". "These are people who feel they have no agency over massive things that are happening in the world." And I hate stories about suffering animals being used as click bait!!! 2/2
[T]hose choosing to selectively avoid the news . . . feel "powerless." "These are people who feel they have no agency over massive things that are happening in the world." I donate money and vote, but I don't feel either is effective. I often change the channel because the images haunt me. 1/2
The new normal. I was getting used to 20 degree temperature swings; now a 30 degree swing is forecast for this week.
I'm a supporter. Did you realize that's who uncovered the Clarence Thomas story?
⏰LAST DAY of our Summer Member Drive! ⏰ Become a ProPublican today and support accountability journalism that spurs reform.
Or a Shiba Inu. Mine NEVER feels like it.
You can’t wish for more wishes, to bring someone back from the dead, or for a cat to let you pet it if it doesn’t feel like it
If you're being "handsy" and they don't want you to be, "then they should let you know they don’t wanna do it so that you can understand it’s non-consensual and stop,” Spacey said. Maybe going for it first and apologizing later is how it works for Spacey, but I think that's assault to most people.
Spacey broke down in tears as he shared that he’s barely dodged bankruptcy, his assets are down to “none,” and he is being forced to move out of his home after it was repossessed.
Kevin Spacey Pleads Ignorance in Piers Morgan Sob “If you’re groping people and they don’t wanna do it,” Piers Morgan began, “then they should let you know they don’t wanna do it,” Spacey said.
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Trump's now pretending to take the side of tipped workers, but his Labor Dept changed a rule to make it easier for bosses to pocket workers' tips. This cost tipped workers an estimated $700 million a year in wages.
Reskeet with how old you are, using a vague proxy: My role model was/is Little Lulu.
Reskeet with how old you are, using a vague proxy: It is pitch black. You are likely to be eaten by a grue.
It appears his rally for noon Sunday in Sunset Park in Las Vegas is still scheduled. The forecast is for only 104 there Sunday, so everyone should be OK.
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*snerk* From Hugh Jackson, Editor of the Nevada Current "Perhaps someone who knows someone in the Trump campaign should tell them that a noon rally at Sunset Park [in Las Vegas] on the 9th day of June is a dumb and potentially even unhealthy idea."