Leanne C. Powner

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Leanne C. Powner


Coach/Developmental Editor for academics in the social sciences, including dissertators. Sometimes methods prof; author of _Empirical Research & Writing: A Pol Sci Student's Practical Guide_. Accepting manuscripts for Spring; next coaching term starts Jan.
Sunday Planning! Update your at-a-glance calendar with events, conferences, due dates, and other commitments. Need an at-a-glance? Get one at www.leannecpowner.com/pages/resour... ! Print two-pages-to-a-sheet to fit it in your bullet journal. Calendars available through Fall 2025!
Leanne C. Powner - Resourceswww.leannecpowner.com
Self-Care Saturday! Summertime is produce season! Splurge on this week’s sale produce and make yourself a peach/berry cobbler, cherry/strawberry pie, fruit salad, or corn on cob. 2x affordable summer produce: www.budgetbytes.com/charred-corn... amazing! Tell us what you’re eating here!
Five Minute Friday! What’s one small thing Today You can do to make Monday You’s day a little easier? Nothing coming to mind? If @ office, run a pot of clean water through the coffee machine (& dump!) or check for overdue library books. If you’re home, clean out your wallet or reshelve 3 books.
Hump day! Take 2 minutes to dump your brain. Download all the bits and thoughts - the to do's, the groceries, the writing thoughts, whatever - onto a single sheet of paper. Before you leave your desk, process those out into groups. Anything you can act on quickly, do so.
#polisky: I'm looking for examples of RECENT article or book titles that have pop culture or bad puns. Any subfield, any topic. Self nominations welcome :-)
Doomscrolling is hard to resist. But stop. RIGHT NOW. Open a new document and type a two-sentence summary of your current research. Tweet-length, that’s all. Use that to refocus on your work.
Sunday Planning Time! Synch all your calendars for the coming week. Then book in some explicit time for you: a mani or pedi, time in a cafe with a book, lunch with a friend, an evening alone with a videogame. Whatever makes you happy!
Five Minute Friday! What's one small thing Today You can do to make Monday You's life easier? If nothing comes to mind, print or download a paper to read/edit, or take out your office trash. #academicsky #polisky #sociology
Want writing tips delivered to your mailbox 10-12 times a year? I've got the mailing list for you! eepurl.com/dBR-6P No spam, practical advice, not just continuous advertising for my programs (very little of that, actually!)! New issue going out next week! Sign up today!
Leanne C. Powner, PhDeepurl.com Leanne C. Powner, PhD Email Forms
We've got ONE DINNER in Savannah on a weekday. Where should we eat? (Caveat: can't do shellfish/seafood. Hubby has an iodine allergy.)
I don't know who needs this today but the clipr package in R allows you to run read_clip_tabl() which takes data you've copied to the clipboard from a spreadsheet and writes it to a table object in R. You're welcome.
#academicsky, what kind of posts would you like to see from a writing coach? I do book coaching, developmental editing, and small-group dissertation and book development support. Most writing advice takes more space than I have.
Monday giggle: Infinitely many mathematicians walk into a bar. Mathematician 1: I'll have a beer. M2: I'll have half a beer. M3: I'll have a quarter of a beer. The bartender pulls out just two beers. Mathematicians: That's all you're giving us? Bartender: Come on, guys. Know your limits.
Sunday Planning time! Make a list of all the house tasks you need to get done this summer: reorganize your library, check kids' clothes for fall, reseed the lawn, clean out the fridge, whatever you need to do. Make a realistic plan by month to tackle them. Time's flying!
Self-Care Saturday! Take some time this weekend to get some natural sunlight. Wear sunscreen, but try to spend at least 15 min outside. If you're sensitive, go out in the morning - reading & drinking morning coffee outdoors is lovely!
What's the smallest number of cases you'd be willing to estimate a simple probit/logit on? Say, 3-4 IVs max? (Thinking for undergrad stus doing their first analysis)
It's the season when my desperate dissertators are trying to cram everything into their theses. You don't have to write it all! Not everything you know goes in your dissertation! Be selective. My mantra: when in doubt, leave it out -- they'll tell you if it's necessary!
Good morning! What's your big goal/major task for today? I'm editing a chapter of mine for publication. Anyone want to race around lunchtime to get work done?
Today I tried to argue that you could conceivably justify a study by saying "no one has studied the role of local fire departments in environmental protection." .... has anyone?? 🙃
I am looking for a few early-stage PhD students studying migration in Europe (pretty much any topic in poli sci/econ/soc) to present early ideas to interested undergraduates in late July. No travel budget but small cash (~€100) honorarium available + friendly audience!
Everybody do the HAPPY DANCE with me!! Positive reviews from a top press for revising my textbook and they want to move forward!!
PLAN YOUR COURSE BEFORE AUGUST! The busy person's guide to efficient course planning & prep: the ACCELERATED SYLLABUS WORKSHOP. 8 weeks to plan a new course and streamline in-term prep! $10-30 commitment fee. Weds 12-1 ET (GMT-4), starts Weds 12 Jul. www.payments.leannecpowner.com/service-page...
People who navigate with Google Maps: What (if anything) have you named the lady who talks to you?
PLAN YOUR COURSE BEFORE AUGUST! The busy person's guide to efficient course planning & prep: the ACCELERATED SYLLABUS WORKSHOP. 8 weeks to plan a new course and streamline in-term prep! $10-30 commitment fee. Weds 12-1 ET (GMT-4), starts Weds 12 Jul. www.payments.leannecpowner.com/service-page...
Do you spend "too much time" on your teaching? Want to efficiently develop and plan a new course this summer? Join me for the Accelerated Syllabus workshop - 8 weeks to a new course design that will help you prep efficiently in the fall. Super cheap commitment fee. Special rates for new faculty!
Serious nerdy science ? following last post: Have there been any studies showing the long term effects of HRT/testosterone on bones? I an thinking of muscle attachments, which we archaeologists study when gender is either/or (generally bigger attachments= male not always). Asking my bone colleagues.
Do I have any contacts doing research in the international institutions/ international collaboration space? Asking for myself this time. Had reason to re-read my diss intro and wondering if the argument might be worth dusting off.
Do I have any contacts doing research in the international institutions/ international collaboration space? Asking for myself this time. Had reason to re-read my diss intro and wondering if the argument might be worth dusting off.