Jessi Grieser

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Jessi Grieser

Sociolinguist, novelist, photographer, quilter, Girl Who Scubas.
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Myth: every math question has one objectively correct answer Fact: while math pedagogy traditionally emphasizes the kinds of questions that have one objectively correct answer, this isn't what mathematicians care about, and it's not necessary for students of any age
This is what I was ranting about the other day but smarter. Saying there is a such thing as “never” with respect to language modeling isn’t about computers, it’s about people: language will never be a complete project and thank goodness for that!
Once again paraphrasing Polanyi: "We experience more than we can say. We say more than we can write. We write more than we can read. We imagine more than we can enact."
Folks, I may have a PhD in history-including US politics history-but the last several years I’ve been working in public health as a science writer. One of my areas of focus is Aging, including Alzheimer’s and related dementias (AD/RD). I find the discourse around Biden really troubling.
Having a spirited discussion with my Co-PI on our AI and AAL grant about my willingness to say “never” when it comes to aspects of what computers will be able to do. And I realize that the disconnect comes from not that computers can’t be taught things, but that language is not a definable problem.
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I just don’t understand how or why The NY Times would be so consistently sloppy, and yet always sloppy in a way that favors Trump. I cannot think of any reason why they would do that. I am stumped.
Trump era pushes New York Times to new heights in digital Roughly 6.7 million people are now digital subscribers.
Your periodic reminder that lots of parts of being a professor are hard so take advantage of the perks, like being able to do the core parts of the job almost anywhere.
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This morning is a great time to make sure you are on our Master Contact List! This is how we'll reach out to you in advance the next time we decide to do this, so you have plenty of warning! (And if you have a whitelist, add romancingrunoff @ gmail to save us from spam!)
Romancing the Vote Master Contact Hello, fans of Democracy! Now that it seems clear that we may keep doing this, we'd like to organize our contact list once and for all. If you'd like to be a part of future auctions (whether as a dono...
Reposted byAvatar Jessi Grieser
Constitution: People involved in insurrections should not be President. Roberts court:...hmm, no, I don't see it. Constitution:.... Roberts court: but the president should have immunity for crimes
I keep re-learning the lesson that it feels wonderful when I actually plan only the amount of things I can realistically get done in a day instead of acting like the day has 16 hours in it.
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LEXING is live! An LSA event for linguists outside academia––we'll have organized sessions, full talks, lightning talks, fishbowl discussions, sessions for linguists considering non-academic careers, and plenty of time to socialize. Join us! 🐦🐦
LEXING: Linguists in Industry, Non-profits, and LEXING: A symposium for Linguists in Industry, Non-profits, and Government (and other sectors)
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I have two things to say about CPR. Actually 3. 1. Learn CPR. If you can't take a formal class for time/money reasons, go watch shit online. 2. You won't harm someone by performing CPR if they need CPR. You cannot make someone more dead. 3. Most CPR fails. Do it anyway.
A friend: “But what is going to come of this debate? It’s like watching a grandpa haggle with a toddler over ice cream.”
I shouldnt be working this late. But linguistics sky: I need a 4th grammar “figure it out” for my first day of grammar class. The other 3 are 1) -ass affix (hard ass) 2) fuckin infix 3) mad as modifier the activity is that they list situations where it works and doesn’t. Bonus if it’s profane.
I don't know who needs this today but the clipr package in R allows you to run read_clip_tabl() which takes data you've copied to the clipboard from a spreadsheet and writes it to a table object in R. You're welcome.
Avatar your order of reposts, man. Your order of reposts. 🤣😆🤣
I am bad about double-booking myself on a good day, but this summer I have leveled up to agreeing to be on two different continents at the same time--twice. 🤪
Is it too late in life (42) to get an older sister? I am tired of being the oldest daughter. 😓
Michigan is not Europe for sure, but I did just go from my airplane seat to my front door in under two hours without getting in a car. Public transit for the win. And now, to get on my e-bike and go to happy hour.
Awww. I had to migrate note systems and decided to spend $20 to get 5 uninterrupted hours on the plane to straighten out my new one. Found a 9 y/o note to self re: possible motivation: "What kinds of motivators can that be? Can you be in the Deuce?" Reader, I am now always in the Deuce. 💙💛💙💛
I often in my talks describe the shape of DC as “a cheeze-it with a bite out of it” and um…maybe that is possible?
Things I dislike about traveling alone: not having someone to immediately share and giggle about things with. Things I like about traveling alone: literally everything else. I was headed for the photography museum. And then I found a Belgian beer bar. no consultation needed and now beer.
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the book by is a wonderful resource for many insights into the history of pronouns and gender, highly recommended for linguists and non-linguists alike! 🙏
Someone asked this morning how long I’ve been learning French. Best compliment ever. (Answer: since I got here a week ago.) L5 tacks on pretty quickly in an immersion situation…
A new friend told me that the ^ in French is marking a missing s and holy shit I see the matrix now. arret > arrest > stop
Advertised to me on my Kindle this morning. I can’t say I have high hopes for the content.
If it's not hard for you to say: BLT FBI CIA R&B AC/DC then for the love of all that is holy, stop tripping over LGBTQIA #happypride
Admittedly I work for my very beloved Alma mater and live in my favorite city. But several people recently have commented on the joy I exhibit in my job. I have never not had joy in my job—any job. I always find the joy in my job. Why not find joy in your job? You spend a lot of time in it.
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Yub nub motherfuckers
The timeline right now looks like an Ewok party after the Death Star exploded
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Congrats to Donald Trump for finally winning a majority of the vote.