
Oh wow. This person gets it.
Chef Jon Kung is one of the greatest food TikTokers. His books are also excellent. If one wants to support him monetarily.
Like I can't argue with anything here but one thing. The implicit assumption that if people sit out this election that there will be another one.
Fair. I have an amount of sympathy for the people who say things like: what good has it been having elections so far; we have active shooter trainings in our schools and no health care and a lifetime of crippling student loan debt because a degree is required even for jobs that don’t use it.
And here’s a good refutation of my contention above.
Yeah, this seems worth avoiding.
One thing that I think is not properly communicated to younger generations (I had to figure this out the hard way) is that real change happens at the local level. By the time we’re voting for Pres it is too late. If you want activism focus on the local and state Dem party races.
SF is an example. The City has been very anti new housing for years and a new slate campaigned for control of the Dem committee. Now they make the official Dem endorsements which will be a big lever in supervisor elections. Roll that up to the state party, etc.
It is impressive how we are trained as kids that leaders (President, Gov, Mayor) hold the power, when real change happens with representatives, senators, assemblypeople, etc. We do a disservice to young activists by not loudly and broadly highlighting this.
But a lot of younger people On Here (for example) don’t have a lot of long-term focus, so they want to vote for one person who can rename all the post offices in America at one go.
That is a fundamental misreading of people complaining about Biden on here. Who should we have voted for when to keep Biden from supporting genocide?
Despite the fact that you are massively misreading what I said, I’ll take you seriously and give you this article in response. Besides the way it treats Bernie Sanders entirely too respectfully, it makes the point.
Why I’m Voting for the The left needs to challenge Biden, especially on US involvement in Gaza. But to do that, we need to keep him in office.