
Oh wow. This person gets it.
holy shit the rare ā€œim gonna give the shithead my vote but fuck off guilting youths and marginalized groupsā€ take
Thereā€™s a huge group of people who understand the criticisms of Biden and are still going to vote for Biden/Harris in November.
Iā€™m in a weird position of (admittedly selfishly) being desperate for Trump to lose because he has literally, verbally, stated that heā€™s going to ban insurance coverage for HRT / SRS on day 1 and for meā€¦ thatā€™s basically like being told Iā€™m gonna die.
That's not selfish. You can't even begin to help others in a country that prohibits you from necessary medicine. You should not have to sacrifice yourself and your health in order to remain ideologically pure.
Not to mention all the judicial appointments etc that Trump would put in, we already see how bad the current Trump appointed judges generally are. I personally can't have more of them.
This is where Iā€™ve been for months tbh. I have no good argument beyond that I fear another Trump presidency more than Iā€™m angry at Biden. I can only hope people understand thatā€™s not a comment about how angry I am about Biden, but how much I fear the consequences of another Trump term.
Thank god for democrats who don't bully people dissatisfied with Biden. These people who show empathy to marginalized peoples and the youth and listen to their frustrations are the greatest good of democrat voters. They understand our suffering and show us compassion. Exemplar benevolence.
It me. I have a gun to my head. But I vote for my enemy not my friend.
Theyā€™re called ā€œThe Not Ready For Prime Time Playersā€
Just saw yet another Boomer comment that we don't have a choice in this election because we have to stop Trump from winning. I have been told for over 30 years that I *have* to vote for the Democrats or else the fascists will win and I will lose my right to control my own body.
Well it's not like guilting the youth and marginalized is gonna do anything but annoy an online person anyway
Wonderful call out! The criticism of (especially younger) voters lately has stuck me as the same sort of condescension that assholes give to domestic violence victims. ā€œWell, if heā€™s so bad why did you stay with him for so long?ā€
A lot of authoritarian parenting patterns are being repeated in this discourse.
I woke up to dead enders who look like they just got out of the senior center telling me the youth vote doesn't matter but also it's imperative that the youth vote for Biden. None of them seemed to consider that youth do have consistent politics, it's just treated as if they're too stupid.
And not only do they think that the youth are simply stupid for daring to criticize "the good guy", they also all seem so fucking full of contempt. I swear, if we got a repeat of Kent State these people would cream themselves.
They almost got it during university protests for Gaza
this is pretty much exactly where i'm at too honestly. Illinois is prolly safe, but god damn i absolutely would not begrudge anyone, even in a swing state, for sitting it out.
and hey tbh???? it is perfectly valid for someone to judge me for probably voting for biden instead of withholding my vote! I have a lot of trouble justifying that decision amid a genocide he's contributing to, and I don't have any justification other than 'yeah but trump would be worse'!
I don't think it's really helpful to think of voting as anything other than a pragmatic decision. "The other guy is worse" is a perfectly valid justification. A vote isn't an endorsement of a candidate's morals. It's just asking which of the two you would rather have as president.
I mean that's how I see it, but also, I understand and respect people who cannot swallow their tongue enough to vote in this way, you know?
Yeah, I get that. Idk I'm just frustrated with people who are like "but Biden and Trump are two sides of the same coin!" I think there are a lot of leftists who don't realize how much worse a second Trump presidency would be than the first. Not saying you're one of them! Just venting a bit I guess
But also, even if Biden wins reelection, we just kicked the can down the road by 1-4 years, because Biden won't do shit to stop trump because the only leverage the party has anymore is "orange man bad"
"two sides of the same coin" doesn't mean both sides of the coin are the same. One is definitely worse. It's just that both are built on the same foundation, and the coin keeps rolling towards fascism either way. It's mostly only a question of how quickly.
worse for whom, though? a lot of folks see an incompetent bully on one side and a protection racket on the other side. ā€œvote for me or the bully will get you!ā€ itā€™s the same vibe as ā€œwho will you call for help if you defund the police?ā€
What if I want neither though
You do what you have to to survive. You're no good to anyone dead. Let the politicians be criticised for their actions.
well yeah, but I do still have to live with my vote, you know? I'm prepared to do that, and that comes with being judged for it. I think that's important!
That's true. People will always judge you, no matter what. Afeni Shakur, Tupac's Mom, was right with this quote: "Remember to keep yourself alive, there is nothing more important than that."
Chef Jon Kung is one of the greatest food TikTokers. His books are also excellent. If one wants to support him monetarily.
Like I can't argue with anything here but one thing. The implicit assumption that if people sit out this election that there will be another one.
Fair. I have an amount of sympathy for the people who say things like: what good has it been having elections so far; we have active shooter trainings in our schools and no health care and a lifetime of crippling student loan debt because a degree is required even for jobs that donā€™t use it.
And hereā€™s a good refutation of my contention above.
Yeah, this seems worth avoiding.
I get that the choice between milquetoast support and outright hostility is unpleasant. But it seems fairly clear. Especially when you consider that a lot of things Biden gets blamed for are the decisions of Republicans.
HUGE fan of Jon and this is wonderfully said.
Iā€™m insanely jealous that he has an Aga. This is the only thing I wanted in my kitchen remodel that we didnā€™t get.
Adding a skeet to clarify: this could seem like Iā€™m taking a passive-aggressive shot at my wife (I wanted it but we didnā€™t get it, grr). Iā€™m absolutely not. We couldnā€™t make it work in the design we wanted, and I had just bought new ovens a year before we had to do the remodel so we saved those.
nah I know what that thing costs and life happens I did not assume it was a dig at anyone šŸ˜Š
Youā€™re very kind. I felt I should clarify for those who just stumble across my nonsense.
I swear my jaw was hanging the entire video when he revealed it.
Wasn't planning on buying a new cookbook today, but Kung Food was too delicious-looking to resist. :)
Itā€™s great. Hope you love it the way I have.