
But also: on Canada Day. The day we celebrate a country that got to become one by asking politely and waiting to be told it’s okay.
Pretty goddamn wild for the Supreme Court to give the president the powers of a king just three days before July Fourth.
Fun Canada fact: the Canadian Constitution is a statute of the UK Parliament.
People always try to correct me when I say Canada obtained full independence in 1982. Surely I mean 1882? It must have been 1882. It can't have been -- it must have been 1882.
I get something similar even when I point out that I’m a Canadian attorney and also 1982 happened while I was alive.
Oof. I think we've gotten very accustomed to a Canadian identity that's honestly pretty new! It's hard to imagine that it wasn't that long ago that things were different
My super-racist father was violently opposed to abandoning the Red Ensign because “maple trees don’t grow on the West Coast”. As I look out my window in Seattle at the about 30 maples out there, I am reminded that he was an idiot.
Shannon Falls, 2013. I was blown away by the size of them.