Leland Lydecker

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Leland Lydecker


Speculative fiction author & former airline employee. Writer of science fiction & crime stories. He/him.
Good point. This shit has always been outrageous to me.
Poster seen in Pullman, Washington
When I was a kid, I thought the world would be a much better place by now.
It's cold, raining steadily, and blowing up a storm outside. While it's miserable weather and makes me extremely glad I don't work outside anymore, it's also a perfect evening to enjoy a good bowl of soup, homemade garlic bread, and a stiff drink.
Apparently I'm weak and couldn't not start a new one. But the plan of my hand and my elbow are telling me to stop now 11x17 pen and paper #wip #surreal #macabre #PenAndPaper #TraditionalArt #DarkSurrealism #DarkArt #Art
Show me someone who wants to drag us back to the 1950s, and I'll show you a poor student of history. There were rivers you could literally set on fire, lynchings were common, and half the population couldn't open a bank account in their own name. The 50s sucked.
Took some fireworks photos for the first time yesterday. Could have been better (these are the best out of 70 😂). A tripod would have helped, but these were unpredictable neighborhood fireworks. 💥 📷📸
for Portland-area folks, here are resources from Multnomah County on dealing with the heat wave, including cooling centers - stay safe and hydrated www.multco.us/hot
Help for When It's Hotwww.multco.us Information about cool spaces, cooling centers and other resources during the hot weather.
Still foggy from the long sleep, we stumbled about the bridge in slow-motion panic. Our robotic crew was gone, leaving only a cryptic message: "To the universe, we #bequeath peace." They had pointed us at a black hole and removed all ability to change course. #vss365 2/2
#Awakened from stasis by the klaxon of imminent destruction, we shambled, zombie-like, to the bridge. We found the seats empty and the ship's computer nonfunctional, all but one of its screens darkened. The last showed nothing but the yawning mouth of a black hole. #vss365 1/2
At first there was nothing. Then, in the dark and cold of nothingness, there formed a #pebble. It sprouted an atmosphere. Soil and water. Life. Every book was once an idea. Every tree was once a seed. Every world, a pebble in the darkness. Let *something* come from nothing. #whistpr
We were too kind, too brave, and too outspoken for you... and when we #vanished from jobs and communities, you thought us vanquished. Decades later, we'll reappear as your managers and educators. You thought you'd buried us. You didn't know we were seeds. #vss365
Hey Newsweek, the concept that a good role model 'gets married and makes lots of babies' is about 75 years out of date. Please stop publishing opinion pieces from incel creeps and do better. If anyone's interested, here's the full opinion piece: www.newsweek.com/taylor-swift...
I'm a bit late with this, but this is important.
For the remainder of #PrideMonth, my latest collection of stories is on sale! I consider all my stories queer, whether through subtext or overtly, as they are written by a most queer individual (in every sense of that word). $.99 gets you 18 stories & 19 illustrations! books2read.com/ABrokenThing
A bell rang, & rang again, its sound distant but clear, the rapid, repeated #peal of warning from the watchtower. I held up a hand for silence, listening to the message in its toll, in the timing of each strike of the hammer. The danger, it told me, approached from the sea. #whistpr 📷✂️alt text
Never forget: the alternative (which is already in place and has been for some time now) is taxpayers in every country pay for ALL the ENORMOUS #Climate damages themselves. That's me. That's YOU. #SueBigOil
#SueBigOil: Multnomah County Wins Ruling in Climate Lawsuit Against #BigOil "A federal court rejected Big Oil’s arguments to move the county’s lawsuit, which seeks damages from the 2021 heat dome, out of state court" climateintegrity.org/news/multnom...
Multnomah County Wins Ruling in Climate Lawsuit Against Big Oilclimateintegrity.org
I think I have a post going semi-viral. This is a first for me on this site, and it's pretty cool. You guys, gals, and non-binary pals rock!
See a tent? No, you didn't. Leave unhoused people alone. Their lives suck enough already.
Asimov's Three Laws of Robotics? Uhhhh…the first is you do not talk about robots. So's the second, I think. Third’s something about not getting them wet after midnight?
I checked my mostly abandoned Facebook account to discover multiple people asking why I was ignoring them (I haven't been active in a couple months. That's probably why.) And that my author page has picked up a couple hundred new follows (which is a surprise.)
Cool chart but inaccurate. In Fairbanks we get 24 hours of DAYLIGHT, but we only get 22 or 23 hours of SUNLIGHT because the sun briefly dips below the northern horizon. Swapping 'daylight' for 'sunlight' would make this chart a lot more accurate.
Eastern kingbird at daybreak. 📷📸🪶
It feels like the sun wants to burst through this wall like water applying pressure on a dam. #photography 📷
A Hyper-Surveillance National Security Dystopia. THE US FELL, AND NOBODY THERE NOTICED.
The DNA profiles element is especially concerning.
Congress' newly approved Homeland Security budget contains a bizarre wishlist requesting: • Tactical blimps to surveil the Canadian border • Intel assessment of online "harassment" directed at government • New DNA analysis technology Full story:
Congress Wants Intel to Go After Online "Harassment," Blimps to Surveil Canadian Borderwww.kenklippenstein.com 3 creepy items in the new Homeland Security budget
I suck at keeping up on my presence on multiple sites, but I need to be better at that because the site where my main presence used to be continues to vigorously stab itself in the neck. I just got back from an exciting overnight camping trip! What's everyone else been up to?
Suggest a (healthy?) way to vent your frustration when you really really really don't like someone. I'll go first: make a curse figure of them!