
Again, if you think the future of democracy hinges on Biden winning, but you are also cooking up schemes like "what if we bribed Thomas to vote our way" or "if the Democrats win every election ever the Supreme Court will eventually function properly", guess what, you already don't have a democracy
It's hilarious that socialists get pegged as anti-democratic when we argue for MORE democracy, and think public servants like judges should be answerable to the people, while liberals say shit like "If only there was a way to keep one guy from destroying the country in exchange for plane rides"
"What if we made the other justices serve until they're 102 years old to balance out the conservative ideologues" Cool idea, here's another: What if we tell Alito to do his fucking job or he can go clean up parking lots or be a toilet attendant
Tyranny of the majority is just democracy and now I realize where that term came from
That’s not fair- the Democrats are also fundraising off of it
Agreed. If one believes that losing this or any other election means loss of democracy, how is that full democracy? Do we accept that there is only a binary decision every four years forever, and that there is only one right decision every time? That's not exactly democratic