David Rothschild

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David Rothschild


Apropos of nothing, but Pauline Kael was completely right about the phoniness of Lumet/Mamet’s The Verdict
This is shockingly solipsistic. And dangerous.
When you think about it, it's kinda weird the extracts of two highly processed tropical beans became the flavors for the world's two most popular ice creams, even coming to represent light and dark, blandness and flavor, purity and indulgence in our Manichaean worldview
The only proper ending to “I’m no fan of Alex Jones but…” is “the rest of Waking Life is awesome.”
@darthbluesky.bsky.social Lucinda is preventing me from working today.
Hello Jews of Bluesky. If you would like to be included in the new JewSky Plus feed repost this! And if you ever want to be removed from it, undo the repost! https://bsky.app/profile/did:plc:24atmhsxslaeuvf2gcmv7fh3/feed/jewsky-plus
Lucinda is both groggy and resentful after the trip to the vet.
Buffy the Vampire Slayer begins and ends with references to Sam Peckinpah
ok i have another quote tweet prompt. what's something, big or small, related to your job or hobby, that most people don't know that you would like to have them know? it can be a concept, a piece of history, some vocabulary, or something else.
The best software engineers aren’t the smartest people in the room: they’re the folks who know how to get along with others and communicate clearly.
ok i have another quote tweet prompt. what's something, big or small, related to your job or hobby, that most people don't know that you would like to have them know? it can be a concept, a piece of history, some vocabulary, or something else.
Procrastinating on exercise until someone calls me out on it
Just take my word for it, you don’t have to reskeet something you posted 19 minutes ago
i bet hell is similar to north korea in that it's definitely not a GREAT place to live but they do still have like, water slides
Going to use this next time work talks about tech debt.
Athghnó—Irish for work done poorly that will need to be redone
One of these days I’m going to get drunk enough to watch Rise of Skywalker, but today’s not that day
I sincerely love that every forum and social network I’ve ever been on since 1995 has had this thread at least once a week.
What throwaway Simpsons joke lives in your head full-time? For me it’s Dr Hibbert deciding not to eat at Moe’s and instead taking the family to the Texas Cheesecake Depository
Finally getting around to Master and Commander, but the audio is too much for Lucinda
For reasons I no longer recall, I decided a while ago to watch the Simpsons from the beginning. The first 10 years were sooo good and now I'm slogging through the last 20 and it's all worth it for this one sign.
The Sympathizer is a great show and searching the word “sympathizer” on Blusky will expose you to so many new people across the political spectrum to block
Was a joy watching the underrated second half 69 Love Songs at the Curran. Stephen Merritt was in a great mood, even climbing a step-ladder during “Yeah! Oh, Yeah”
Heheh, “rushed the climax.”
was looking for a recording of a piece student and fuckin ben shapiro playing the violin popped up. being a thorough hater i gave it a listen; his violin was tuned sharp but he was playing flat, he rushed the climax and his vibrato is erratic, if anyone needs this info
I know I have seven followers here, and this is the last minute, but if anyone wants a ticket to Rhiannon Giddens in SF tonight at 8PM at the Filmore, let me know here.
I stopped smoking weed five years before I joined @MST3K, but I've been told by many that they enjoy watching the show while baked, so if that's the case I am honored to be a part of your 4/20 celebration.
the right time for Bluesky to enable video is never. just let us have the one thing that's never loud. just words and pictures. see how nice? words and pictures. think about it devs
I am your reply guy’s reply guy
after seeing everyones posts i think bluesky team should shut down the site on Sundays like the Nickelodeon worldwide day of play so everyone has to go do something else
Raichik *wants* people to be afraid to report on her. I'm really shocked by the number of people saying "You should give Raichik what she wants and not write about her at all in this context!" This isn't the same as inviting her on the fuckin' Tonight Show, guys. 9/
I’m muting “the marketplace of ideas”. None of your jokes are funny