Hilly Batcher

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Hilly Batcher


I'm just here to have a good time. He/him.
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Wow coming back from camping and experiencing the glory of nature. Did everyone else have a good weeke - oh my
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everyone dooming because this'll get Trump elected is way over their skis, everyone dooming because this is going to get the American Years of Lead really going in earnest is probably correct
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It’s amazing how many people have landed on the position that in order to save democracy everyone needs to surrender their right to free speech and accept they have no say or sway in the decisions of government or politics.
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italian is not a valid ancestry to choose from
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Realized it's not excitement for Kamala that I'm feeling it's this moment of hope that the Democrats might actually take drastic measures to do something outside of How Things Are Typically Done for once in my fucking life. Imagine that? What a high. Of course they most likely will stay the course.
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idk it just seems to me that laws, like tech, should be created with the question "what would the worst person i know be able to do with this power" in mind and it's truly incredible how much this opinion fails at that basic task
John Roberts must be the most neurotypical person in existence because the immunity ruling reads like someone who has never had a single “but what if…???” anxiety spiral in his life
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Resignees said they experienced "an Admin that has prioritized politics over just & fair policymaking; profit over national security; falsehoods over facts; directives over debate; ideology over experience, and special interest over the equal enforcement of the law" www.huffpost.com/entry/biden-...
Exclusive: 12 Biden Administration Resignees Blast 'Intransigent' Gaza Policywww.huffpost.com Joe Biden "has prioritized politics over just and fair policymaking" on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, former government officials argued in their first joint statement since quitting.
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Hearing that the new supreme court ruling would legalize assassination. Terrifying. Imagine if we lived in a country where uniformed officers of the state could just kill people and never face consequences
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Stop making jokes and recognize that your account on a microblogging site known by 4% of the American population and whose most famous user is Weird Al Yankovich could single-handedly win or lose this election
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SOTOMAYOR: The President could [steps on foot] *order a political assassination*, or [steps on foot] *organize a coup* or— [steps on foot repeatedly] BIDEN: [to Jackson] ...I think she's talking to you
Sotomayor's dissent is chilling: "When [the president]...orders the Navy’s Seal Team 6 to assassinate a political rival? Immune. Organizes a military coup to hold onto power? Immune. Takes a bribe in exchange for a pardon? Immune. Immune, immune, immune."
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I am so tired of the already elected saying that things hinge on the next election. Do more now and run on it. If I was president the day I learned that crimes were legal for me I might act on that knowledge and get the Supreme Court in line.
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You have to vote for 99% Hitler against 100% Hitler. Now you have to vote for 99.5% Hitler. Now you have to vote for 99.75% Hitler. Now you have to vote for 99.875% Hitler. Now you have to vote for 99.9375% Hitler.
Will admit to being a bit confused with the "Replace Biden" convo. I think they should... with Harris. Biden should retire, Harris takes over, and the big news is who her VP is. Didn't realize until the recent convo that people thought she should just... go away? That's odd, why would she do that?
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Worth noting this ruling isn't entirely on SCOTUS, but also on cartoonishly evil city govts, often with Democratic mayors and city councils, who criminalize poverty in the first place. This is equally on them.
They don't have an inside to go to. This is "increase jail population and slave labor" ruling.
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The Supreme Court, in its majestic equality, forbids rich and poor alike to sleep under bridges, to beg in the streets, and to steal their bread.
The Grants Pass case, SCOTUS' first big homelessness case in a while, dropped. 6-3 conservative majority. "Held: The enforcement of generally applicable laws regulating camping on public property does not constitute “cruel and unusual punishment” prohibited by the Eighth Amendment."
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Remember, this is America, the world's greatest democracy. If you're mad at John Roberts, don't protest at his house, focus on defeating him the next time he's up for reelection.
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I'm so sorry for posting about voting, but every time someone talks about how vital this election is and how it could collapse American democracy for good, all I can think is, it's almost like the reigning party should stop committing genocide and try to shore up and expand its power.
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Newspapers a month ago: Biden shouldn’t drop out for his response to Gaza you utter oaf you insane person that would be the most ridiculous thing ever to happen, stop being so crazy. Be SERIOUS Newspapers today: I have been informed that Biden is very old and, well, he’s going to a nice farm
My fiancee is scared of dogs so we can't get one but I passed a chocolate lab whose dad was picking up poo and it did the cutest little tap tap dance wanting me to pet it, and hnnng my heart
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I am going to 'watch' the debate in the same way I always watch debates, SOTUs, and awards shows: by reposting the funniest takes on social media
Really wish that backup software had a "skip all errors, it's not that serious" option. This isn't like tax documents, it's my emulation raspi. I won't be that sad
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A cruel and stupid policy but Biden's people evidently think it was politically necessary. Now let's see if the anti-immigration voters flock to Biden or just find something else to complain about instead. I think I know which way that one's gonna go!
The number of migrants crossing the U.S. southern border illegally has dropped more than 40 percent in the three weeks since President Biden announced broad restrictions on asylum claims, administration officials said Wednesday.
Biden border restrictions bring sharp drop in illegal crossingswapo.st The number of migrants crossing the U.S. southern border illegally has dropped more than 40 percent in three weeks, officials said.
The way people talk about some characters is so annoying. "You think Hitler was bad? Yeah well in Young Sheldon, Sheldon's step-dad once-removed is really fucked up but like in a sneaky sort of way. Let me tell you: *lists several jokes from a sitcom as if they really happened*"
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why do they keep looking for microplastics in the dick and balls specifically