
With Lost coming to Netflix everyone has been bemoaning how binge watching and streaming models of television mean no one makes filler episodes anymore, and it's just kind of sweet that we all so fondly remember these.
Writers room: so what are we going to do this week Frank from 30 Rock: I dunno, fuck it, make them all body swap or something
They can’t all be the X-Files with the trailer park of actual monsters, but like… One a week, some are just filler really was better, especially once we realized how bad plotting things were down underneath.
My all-time favorite X-files episode.
Wacky Lemon Hello (i.e. get everyone high or drunk) Let's Follow A Minor Character Around Let's Find Z an Almost Perfect Date/Partner, But Not Really Make The Mortal Enemies Work Together X is Extremely Famous In A Very Limited Way Y is Actually Royalty
When I re-watched SOPRANOS I was impressed that most episodes were good self-contained stories that also advanced the larger plots. On most prestige shows, it’s “here’s 50 minutes from the middle of this season’s 9-hour movie”.
Right?!?! I’m trying to watch a show with my 14 yr old and she LOSES HER MIND at commercial breaks because she’s never encountered them on TV. (YouTube, sure)
Even at the time I would watch British shows thinking 'wow, this six episode season model is so great, why don't we do that.'
Personally, I don't miss filler episodes because I'm a "and then what happened" kind of guy.
Omg my college friend group had weekly watch parties! It was a full house!